Electromigration And IR Drop At Advanced Nodes

Manufacturing chips at 3nm and below is a challenge, but it's only part of the problem. Designing chips that can be manufactured and will actually work is potentially an even bigger problem. There is more data to sift through for place-and-route, less margin to pad a design, and there are more physical effects to contend with as transistors get taller, density increases, and chips age. Jeff Wil... » read more

Blog Review: May 22

Cadence's Sree Parvathy introduces Verilog-A, a high-level language that uses modules to describe the structure and behavior of analog systems and enables the top-down system to be defined before the actual transistor circuits are assembled. Siemens' Keith Felton suggests the process of package substrate design is improved by leveraging the collective expertise of multiple design domain spec... » read more

High-Level Synthesis Propels Next-Gen AI Accelerators

Everything around you is getting smarter. Artificial intelligence is not just a data center application but will be deployed in all kinds of embedded systems that we interact with daily. We expect to talk to and gesture at them. We expect them to recognize and understand us. And we expect them to operate with just a little bit of common sense. This intelligence is making these systems not just ... » read more

Chip Aging Becoming Key Factor In Data Center Economics

Chip aging is becoming a much bigger concern inside of data centers, where it can impact server uptime, utilization rates, and the amount of energy needed to drive signals and cool entire server racks. Aging in chips is the result of both higher logic utilization and increasing transistor density. This is problematic for data centers, in general, but especially for AI chips where digital log... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

President Biden will raise the tariff rate on Chinese semiconductors from 25% to 50% by 2025, among other measures to protect U.S. businesses from China’s trade practices. Also, as part of President Biden’s AI Executive Order, the Administration released steps to protect workers from AI risks, including human oversight of systems and transparency about what systems are being used. Intel ... » read more

Will Domain-Specific ICs Become Ubiquitous?

Questions are surfacing for all types of design, ranging from small microcontrollers to leading-edge chips, over whether domain-specific design will become ubiquitous, or whether it will fall into the historic pattern of customization first, followed by lower-cost, general-purpose components. Custom hardware always has been a double-edged sword. It can provide a competitive edge for chipmake... » read more

Running More Efficient AI/ML Code With Neuromorphic Engines

Neuromorphic engineering is finally getting closer to market reality, propelled by the AI/ML-driven need for low-power, high-performance solutions. Whether current initiatives result in true neuromorphic devices, or whether devices will be inspired by neuromorphic concepts, remains to be seen. But academic and industry researchers continue to experiment in the hopes of achieving significant ... » read more

Power/Performance Costs In Chip Security

Hackers ranging from hobbyists to corporate spies and nation states are continually poking and prodding for weaknesses in data centers, cars, personal computers, and every other electronic device, resulting in a growing effort to build security into chips and electronic systems. The current estimate is that 60% of chips and systems have some type of security built in, and that percentage is ... » read more

High-Level Synthesis Enables The Next Generation Of Edge AI Accelerators

AI is becoming pervasive. But the ever increasing complexity is a challenge for IoT systems. Achieving the highest levels of performance and efficiency in edge AI means going beyond software and off the shelf hardware. Bespoke hardware accelerators in FPGA or ASICs can deliver much higher performance while consuming less energy. Building these accelerators with High-Level Synthesis slashes desi... » read more

Securing The World’s Data: A Looming Challenge

A combination of increasingly complex designs, more connected devices, and a mix of different generations of security technology are creating a whole new set of concerns about the safety of data nearly everywhere. While security experts have been warning of a growing threat in electronics for decades, there have been several recent fundamental changes that elevate the risk. Among them: ... » read more

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