Manufacturing Bits: March 1

Gravitational-wave observatories India has approved the construction of the world’s third gravitational-wave observatory. This facility will replicate the two Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatories (LIGOs) in the United States, which recently detected the world's first gravitational waves. The Indian project, dubbed LIGO-India, is expected to go online in 2023. The effort b... » read more

What’s Next For DRAM?

The DRAM business has always been challenging. Over the years, DRAM suppliers have experienced a number of boom and bust cycles in a competitive landscape. But now, the industry faces a cloudy, if not an uncertain, future. On one front, for example, [getkc id="93" kc_name="DRAM"] vendors face a downturn amid a capacity glut and falling product prices in 2016. But despite the business chal... » read more

1xnm DRAM Challenges

At a recent event, Samsung presented a paper that described how the company plans to extend today’s planar DRAMs down to 20nm and beyond. This is an amazing feat. Until very recently, most engineers believed DRAMs would stop scaling at 20nm or so. Instead, Samsung is ramping up the world’s most advanced DRAMs—a line of 20nm parts—with plans to go even further. Micron and SK Hynix soo... » read more

Memory Lane: Far From A Leisurely Stroll

The only semiconductor market segment that has not been taken over by the foundries and still remains dominated by IDMs is the memory sector. The memory market is the last bastion for true IDM manufacturers, who must be savvy in the changing trends in end market applications, advanced technology development, and must still determine how much and when to invest in additional capacity. With on... » read more

An Insider’s Guide To Planar And 3D DRAM

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about planar DRAMs, 3D DRAMs, scaling and systems design with Charles Slayman, technical leader of engineering at network equipment giant Cisco Systems. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: What types of DRAM do network equipment OEMs look at or buy these days? Slayman: When we look at DRAM, we look at it for networking applicatio... » read more

China’s Impact On The Semiconductor Market

China’s impact on the semiconductor market is unmistakable. The question so many industry watchers wonder: Is it the new center of the semiconductor universe? Some statistics may help determine the answer. China topped the list of five worldwide exporters in 2014, with the European Union coming in second. The U.S. finished third, followed by Germany and, in fifth place, Japan. (See Fig. 1... » read more

M2M Vs. IoE

For some time now, there has been discussion that the IoE is really nothing more than the M2M infrastructure with a new coat of paint. Are M2M and the [getkc id="260" comment="Internet of Everything"] really just different generations of the same family, or are they completely different? This is more than just a philosophical question. The answer affects everything from technology investmen... » read more

Network Challenges Ahead

The Internet of Everything will require a new breed of networks to handle data from billions of devices quickly and securely, but how exactly that will happen isn't completely clear. The terms "high performance" and "high security" are generally incompatible in the networking world because the security technology in use today bogs down network performance. To have a high level of security re... » read more

Predictions For 2016: Semiconductors, Manufacturing And Design

Seventeen companies sent in their predictions for this year with some of them sending predictions from several people. This is in addition to the CEO predictions that were recently published. That is a fine crop of views for the coming year, especially since they know that they will be held accountable for their views and this year, just like the last, they will have to answer for them. We beli... » read more

The Week In Review: Manufacturing

2016 is starting off on the wrong foot. Samsung disclosed its preliminary results for the forth quarter. Samsung expects a difficult business environment in 2016, according to reports. Plus, Apple is seeing lower than expected demand. “We are lowering our March quarter iPhone units to 45M units (prior 54M) to reflect incremental softness and recent production cuts. Our sense is that iPhones a... » read more

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