Technique For Printing Electronic Circuits Onto Curved & Corrugated Surfaces Using Metal Nanowires (NC State)

A technical paper titled "Curvilinear soft electronics by micromolding of metal nanowires in capillaries" was published by researchers at North Carolina State University. “We’ve developed a technique that doesn’t require binding agents and that allows us to print on a variety of curvilinear surfaces,” says Yuxuan Liu, first author of the paper and a Ph.D. student at NC State in this ... » read more

ML-Based Framework for Automatically Generating Hardware Trojan Benchmarks

A new technical paper titled "Automatic Hardware Trojan Insertion using Machine Learning" was published by researchers at University of Florida and Stanford University. Abstract (partial): "In this paper, we present MIMIC, a novel AI-guided framework for automatic Trojan insertion, which can create a large population of valid Trojans for a given design by mimicking the properties of a small... » read more

Power Amp Wars Begin For 5G

Demand is increasing for power amplifier chips and other RF devices for 5G base stations, setting the stage for a showdown among different companies and technologies. The power amplifier device is a key component that boosts the RF power signals in base stations. It's based on two competitive technologies, silicon-based LDMOS or RF gallium nitride (GaN). GaN, a III-V technology, outperforms ... » read more