Enhancing Datasets For Artificial Intelligence Through Model-Based Methods

By Dirk Mayer and Ulf Wetzker Industrial plants and processes are now digitized and networked, and AI can be used to evaluate the data generated by those facilities to increase productivity and quality. Machine learning (ML) methods can be applied to: Product quality classification in complex production processes. Condition monitoring of technical systems, which is used, for examp... » read more

Technology Advancements For Dynamic Function eXchange In Vivado ML Edition

As systems become more complex and designers are asked to do more with less, adaptability is a critical asset. While Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs always provided the flexibility to perform on-site device reprogramming, current constraints including increased cost, tighter board space, and power consumption demand even more efficient design strategies. Xilinx Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) extends the... » read more

Growth Spurred By Negatives

The success and health of the semiconductor industry is driven by the insatiable appetite for increasingly complex devices that impact every aspect of our lives. The number of design starts for the chips used in those devices drives the EDA industry. But at no point in history have there been as many market segments driving innovation as there are today. Moreover, there is no indication this... » read more

Is Programmable Overhead Worth The Cost?

Programmability has fueled the growth of most semiconductor products, but how much does it actually cost? And is that cost worth it? The answer is more complicated than a simple efficiency formula. It can vary by application, by maturity of technology in a particular market, and in the context of much larger systems. What's considered important for one design may be very different for anothe... » read more

The High But Often Unnecessary Cost Of Coherence

Cache coherency, a common technique for improving performance in chips, is becoming less useful as general-purpose processors are supplemented with, and sometimes supplanted by, highly specialized accelerators and other processing elements. While cache coherency won't disappear anytime soon, it is increasingly being viewed as a luxury necessary to preserve a long-standing programming paradig... » read more

The Return Of DAC In-Person

Apart from masked faces everywhere, you could be excused for not knowing that there was a pandemic going on. Sure, the numbers were down, the show floor was smaller, and most of the parties didn't happen, but everyone was so happy to be able to bump elbows with their colleagues. Buttons were available for attendees to show the level of comfort they had with various types of greetings, from "... » read more

Amdahl Limits On AI

Software and hardware both place limits on how fast an application can run, but finding and eliminating the limitations is becoming more important in this age of multicore heterogeneous processing. The problem is certainly not new. Gene Amdahl (1922-2015) recognized the issue and published a paper about it in 1967. It provided the theoretical speedup for a defined task that could be expected... » read more

Gaps In The AI Debug Process

When an AI algorithm is deployed in the field and gives an unexpected result, it's often not clear whether that result is correct. So what happened? Was it wrong? And if so, what caused the error? These are often not simple questions to answer. Moreover, as with all verification problems, the only way to get to the root cause is to break the problem down into manageable pieces. The semico... » read more

AI/ML Workloads Need Extra Security

The need for security is pervading all electronic systems. But given the growth in data-center machine-learning computing, which deals with extremely valuable data, some companies are paying particular attention to handling that data securely. All of the usual data-center security solutions must be brought to bear, but extra effort is needed to ensure that models and data sets are protected ... » read more

HBM2E Raises The Bar For Memory Bandwidth

AI/ML training capabilities are growing at a rate of 10X per year driving rapid improvements in every aspect of computing hardware and software. HBM2E memory is the ideal solution for the high bandwidth requirements of AI/ML training, but entails additional design considerations given its 2.5D architecture. Designers can realize the full benefits of HBM2E memory with the silicon-proven memory s... » read more

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