Designing Application-Specific Processors for Wireless 5G SoCs

Traditional architectures for wireless baseband applications are no longer adequate for recent and next-generation modem standards. Supporting complex and still evolving standards like 5G in a single modem is only possible by using SDR techniques, which place increasing demands on performance and power consumption on the SoC. ASIP architectures enable full customization of a processor, which... » read more

5G Heats Up Base Stations

Before 5G can be deployed commercially on a large scale, engineers have to solve some stubborn problems—including how to make a hot technology a whole lot cooler. 5G-capable modem chipsets are already on the market from Qualcomm, Samsung, Huawei, MediaTek, Intel and Apple, with some 5G service (LTE-Advanced/LTE-Advanced Pro) available in the U.S. But still mostly missing from the 5G equati... » read more