Chip Industry Week In Review

JEDEC and the Open Compute Project rolled out a new set of guidelines for standardizing chiplet characterization details, such as thermal properties, physical and mechanical requirements, and behavior specs. Those details have been a sticking point for commercial chiplets, because without them it's not possible to choose the best chiplet for a particular application or workload. The guidelines ... » read more

Which Chip Interconnect Protocol Is Better?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to the discuss the pros and cons of the Compute Express Link (CXL) and the Cache Coherent Interconnect for Accelerators (CCIX) with Kurt Shuler, vice president of marketing at Arteris IP; Richard Solomon, technical marketing manager for PCI Express controller IP at Synopsys; and Jitendra Mohan, CEO of Astera Labs. What follows are excerpts of that conversation... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

Chipmakers GlobalFoundries has filed suits in the U.S. and Germany, alleging that semiconductor manufacturing technologies used by TSMC infringe upon 16 of GF's patents. The suits were filed in the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), the U.S. Federal District Courts in the Districts of Delaware and the Western District of Texas, and the Regional Courts of Dusseldorf and Mannheim in Germ... » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things Silicon Labs worked with Norway’s Q-Free to create the ParQSense Smart Parking Sensor, which helps drivers find available outdoor parking spaces. ParQSense uses the chip company’s Wonder Gecko wireless microcontroller for connectivity and control. Having gone through pilot testing in the European Union and North America this year, ParQSense is being released for commerci... » read more

Non-Traditional Chips Gaining Steam

Flexible hybrid electronics are beginning to roll out in the form of medical devices, wearable electronics and even near-field communications tags in retail, setting the stage for a whole new wave of circuit design, manufacturing and packaging that reaches well beyond traditional chips. FHE devices begin with substrates made of ceramics, glass, plastic, polyimide, polymers, polysilicon, stai... » read more

The Week In Review: IoT

Legislation Four senators plan to introduce a bipartisan bill that would require federal government vendors to provide Internet-connected devices and equipment that is patchable and conforms to industry cybersecurity standards. Such products must not have unchangeable passwords or known security vulnerabilities. The bill was drafted with expert advice from the Atlantic Council and Harvard Univ... » read more

IoT Security Challenges, Opportunities

The specter of cybersecurity is haunting the Internet of Things—or more specifically, the lack of it. Big companies in information technology and telecommunications have embraced the [getkc id="76" kc_name="IoT"] as a significant business opportunity, and the field is inspiring hundreds of startups in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. Venture capitalists hungrily eye the IoT, betting on which ... » read more

Qualcomm + NXP = IoT Powerhouse

Coverage of the merger agreement between Qualcomm and NXP Semiconductors often focused on how the combination would yield the world’s largest supplier of chips for automotive electronics. Somewhat overlooked was its significance for the Internet of Things market. NXP CEO Rick Clemmer said in a statement, "The combination of Qualcomm and NXP will bring together all technologies required to... » read more

Will Open-Source Work For Chips?

Open source is getting a second look by the semiconductor industry, driven by the high cost of design at complex nodes along with fragmentation in end markets, which increasingly means that one size or approach no longer fits all. The open source movement, as we know it today, started in the 1980s with the launch of the GNU project, which was about the time the electronic design automation (... » read more

The Other IoT

What happens in the home, in the car, or in the tiny electronic devices people carry around with them or wear on their wrists or implant in their bodies is the focus of marketing by thousands of companies all over the globe. After all, the Internet of Things, in some shape or form, is widely expected to the "next big thing," or at least provide the foundation for many next big things. Far le... » read more

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