In Memory, At Memory, Near Memory: What Would Goldilocks Choose?

The children’s fairy tale of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ describes the adventures of Goldi as she tries to choose among three choices for bedding, chairs, and bowls of porridge. One meal is “too hot,” the other “too cold,” and finally one is “just right.” If Goldi were faced with making architecture choices for AI processing in modern edge/device SoCs, she would also face... » read more

Dealing With Heat In Near-Memory Compute Architectures

The explosion in data forcing chipmakers to get much more granular about where logic and memory are placed on a die, how data is partitioned and prioritized to utilize those resources, and what the thermal impact will be if they are moved closer together on a die or in a package. For more than a decade, the industry has faced a basic problem — moving data can be more resource-intensive tha... » read more

PLANAR: A Programmable Accelerator For Near-Memory Data Rearrangement

Many applications employ irregular and sparse memory accesses that cannot take advantage of existing cache hierarchies in high performance processors. To solve this problem, Data Layout Transformation (DLT) techniques rearrange sparse data into a dense representation, improving locality and cache utilization. However, prior proposals in this space fail to provide a design that (i) scales with m... » read more

Rethinking Architectures Based On Power

The newest chips being developed for everything from the cloud to the edge of the network look nothing like designs of even a year or two ago. They are architected for speed, from the throughput of high-speed buses and external interconnects to the customized accelerators and arrays of redundant MACs. But many of these designs have barely scratched the surface for saving power, which will becom... » read more

Utilizing Computational Memory

For systems to become faster and consume less power, they must stop wasting the power required to move data around and start adding processing near memory. This approach has been proven, and products are entering the marketplace designed to fill a number of roles. Processing near memory, also known as computational memory, has been hiding in the shadows for more than a decade. Ever since the... » read more