Chip Industry Week In Review

Semiconductor industry energy consumption grew 125% between 2015 and 2023, while direct greenhouse gas emissions rose 23% in the same period, according to the Europe think tank Interface, which analyzed corporate social responsibility reports from 28 global chip manufacturers. CSIS' new report "Understanding U.S. Allies’ Current Legal Authority to Implement AI and Semiconductor Export Cont... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Intel intends to take Mobileye public in mid-2022 on a US market through an IPO of newly issued stock. The subsidiary, which Intel acquired in 2017, develops SoCs for ADAS and autonomous driving solutions. Mobileye has achieved record revenue year-over-year with 2021 gains expected to be more than 40 percent higher than 2020, highlighting the powerful benefits to both companies of our ongoing p... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Pervasive computing An outage in network equipment at the US-EAST-1 Region of Amazon Web Services this week reminded customers of the downside to having every appliance run via a data center. Users accessing apps tied to AWS on the East coast found services did not work, including Alexa, Ring, smart appliances, some Amazon warehouses and packaging delivery, web APIs such as Slack, and some str... » read more

Auto Chip Reliability Opens Door To Other Industries

Digital chips in the semiconductor industry evolve from each other. Ideas flow into each other over the years, with occasional big leaps in evolution. The term ‘evolution’ fits because one chip evolves to perfectly optimized for one industry niche. But what happens when one industry’s chip becomes a useful for other industries because it is more cost-effective than what is being used i... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

IP Rambus unveiled High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) Gen2 PHY developed for GlobalFoundries' FX-14 ASIC platform. The PHY, targeted at networking and data center applications, is fully compliant with the JEDEC HBM2 standard and supports data rates up to 2000 Mbps per data pin, for a total bandwidth of 256 GB/s. Omnitek launched a number of new FPGA-based video IPs, including HDMI2.0 Tx and Rx, ... » read more