An Empirical Comparison Of Optimizers For Quantum Machine Learning With SPSA-Based Gradients

Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have attracted a lot of attention from the quantum computing community for the last few years. Their hybrid quantum-classical nature with relatively shallow quantum circuits makes them a promising platform for demonstrating the capabilities of noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) devices. Although the classical machine learning community focuses on gradi... » read more

End-To-End System Architecture For Quantum RAM (Yale, AWS, Caltech)

A technical paper titled “Systems Architecture for Quantum Random Access Memory” was published by researchers at Yale University, AWS Center for Quantum Computing, and California Institute of Technology. Abstract: "Operating on the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum algorithms hold the promise for solving problems that are beyond the reach of the best-available classical algorithms.... » read more

Parallel Circuit Execution & NISQ Computing

Research from LIRMM, University of Montpellier, CNRS. Abstract "Quantum computing is performed on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) hardware in the short term. Only small circuits can be executed reliably on a quantum machine due to the unavoidable noisy quantum operations on NISQ devices, leading to the under-utilization of hardware resources. With the growing demand to access quan... » read more