ConvNext Runs 28X Faster Than Fallback

Two months ago in our blog we highlighted the fallacy of using a conventional NPU accelerator paired with a DSP or CPU for “fallback” operations. (Fallback Fails Spectacularly, May 2024). In that blog we calculated what the expected performance would be for a system with a DSP needing to perform the new operations found in one of today’s leading new ML networks – ConvNext. The result wa... » read more

Intel Vs. Samsung Vs. TSMC

The three leading-edge foundries — Intel, Samsung, and TSMC — have started filling in some key pieces in their roadmaps, adding aggressive delivery dates for future generations of chip technology and setting the stage for significant improvements in performance with faster delivery time for custom designs. Unlike in the past, when a single industry roadmap dictated how to get to the next... » read more

How To Successfully Deploy GenAI On Edge Devices

Generative AI (GenAI) burst onto the scene and into the public’s imagination with the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022. Users were amazed at the natural language processing chatbot’s ability to turn a short text prompt into coherent humanlike text including essays, language translations, and code examples. Technology companies – impressed with ChatGPT’s abilities – have started looking ... » read more

Fallback Fails Spectacularly

Conventional AI/ML inference silicon designs employ a dedicated, hardwired matrix engine – typically called an “NPU” – paired with a legacy programmable processor – either a CPU, or DSP, or GPU. The common theory behind these two-core (or even three core) architectures is that most of the matrix-heavy machine learning workload runs on the dedicated accelerator for maximum efficienc... » read more

Embrace The New!

The ResNet family of machine learning algorithms was introduced to the AI world in 2015. A slew of variations was rapidly discovered that at the time pushed the accuracy of ResNets close to the 80% threshold (78.57% Top 1 accuracy for ResNet-152 on ImageNet). This state-of-the-art performance at the time, coupled with the rather simple operator structure that was readily amenable to hardware ac... » read more

Is Transformer Fever Fading?

The hottest, buzziest thing bursts onto the scene and captures the attention of the business press and even the general public. Scads of articles and videos are published about The Hot Thing. And then, in the blink of an eye, the world’s attention shifts to the Next New Thing! Are we talking about the latest pop song that leads the Spotify streaming charts? Perhaps a new fashion trend that... » read more

BYO NPU Benchmarks

In our last blog post, we highlighted the ways that NPU vendors can shade the truth about performance on benchmark networks such that comparing common performance scores such as “Resnet50 Inferences / Second” can be a futile exercise. But there is a straight-forward, low-investment method for an IP evaluator to short-circuit all the vendor shenanigans and get a solid apples-to-apples result... » read more

Considerations For Accelerating On-Device Stable Diffusion Models

One of the more powerful – and visually stunning – advances in generative AI has been the development of Stable Diffusion models. These models are used for image generation, image denoising, inpainting (reconstructing missing regions in an image), outpainting (generating new pixels that seamlessly extend an image's existing bounds), and bit diffusion. Stable Diffusion uses a type of dif... » read more

Flipping Processor Design On Its Head

AI is changing processor design in fundamental ways, combining customized processing elements for specific AI workloads with more traditional processors for other tasks. But the tradeoffs are increasingly confusing, complex, and challenging to manage. For example, workloads can change faster than the time it takes to churn out customized designs. In addition, the AI-specific processes may ex... » read more

Does Your NPU Vendor Cheat On Benchmarks?

It is common industry practice for companies seeking to purchase semiconductor IP to begin the search by sending prospective vendors a list of questions, typically called an RFI (Request for Information) or simply a Vendor Spreadsheet. These spreadsheets contain a wide gamut of requested information ranging from background on the vendor’s financial status, leadership team, IP design practices... » read more

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