Optimizing Hardware Capacity, Utilizing Automatic Differentiation to Efficiently Compute Derivatives in Parallel Programming Models

A technical paper titled "Scalable Automatic Differentiation of Multiple Parallel Paradigms through Compiler Augmentation" was published by researchers at MIT (CSAIL), Argonne National Lab, and TU Munich. The paper was a Best Paper Finalist and a Best Student Paper winner at SuperComputing 2022. Find the technical paper here. Published November 2022. The work "demonstrates how Enzyme opti... » read more

Software-Hardware Co-Design Becomes Real

For the past 20 years, the industry has sought to deploy hardware/software co-design concepts. While it is making progress, software/hardware co-design appears to have a much brighter future. In order to understand the distinction between the two approaches, it is important to define some of the basics. Hardware/software co-design is essentially a bottom-up process, where hardware is deve... » read more

Divided On System Partitioning

Building an optimal implementation of a system using a functional description has been an industry goal for a long time, but it has proven to be much more difficult than it sounds. The general idea is to take software designed to run on a processor and to improve performance using various types of alternative hardware. That performance can be specified in various ways and for specific applic... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

M&A SMIT Holdings acquired S2C, a provider of FPGA prototyping hardware and software as well as interfaces and accessories, for $19 million, plus up to US$2 million in milestone based payments to the key management team. S2C was founded in 2003. SMIT, based in Hong Kong, makes pay TV broadcasting access and mobile point-of-sale payment systems for the Chinese market. Tools & IP Syn... » read more

Tuning Heterogeneous SoCs

It's one thing to pack multiple processor cores into a design, but it is much more difficult to ensure the hardware matches the software's requirements, or that the software optimally uses the hardware. Both the hardware and software teams are now facing these issues, and there are few tools to help them fully understand the problems or to provide solutions. Design teams continue to add more... » read more