OTA On-Chip Computing That Conquers A Bottleneck In Wired NoC Architectures

New research paper titled "Wireless On-Chip Communications for Scalable In-memory Hyperdimensional Computing" from researchers at IBM Research, Zurich Switzerland and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Abstract: "Hyperdimensional computing (HDC) is an emerging computing paradigm that represents, manipulates, and communicates data using very long random vectors (aka hyp... » read more

SoC Verification From Pre-Fabrication To The Over-the-Air Update

The recent new of attacks on system infrastructures serves to highlight that hardware vulnerabilities in the supply chain are not only possible but inevitable if proper precautions are ignored. Verification throughout the entire supply chain is necessary to ensure the safety and security of hardware. Starting as early as the pre-fabrication stage, vulnerabilities, if left unchecked, can be an o... » read more

Over-the-Air Automotive Updates

Modern vehicles are increasingly-connected devices with growing volumes of electronic systems. This systemic complexity means that even an average vehicle design will include over 150 ECUs, which control not just infotainment and communications, but powertrain, safety, and driving systems (figure 1). We see not just a surge in the volume and complexity of electronic hardware, but also software.... » read more

Mobile Security And The IoE

As we climb that mobility ladder to becoming a mostly mobile society, every rung seems to expose us to more and more layers of security failings. Six billion of the seven billion people on this planet rely on a variety of mobile devices to shop, bank, interface with social media, monitor their health, and monitor their environment. Unless you are on the inside track and know better, one would t... » read more