High-Voltage, High-Current Electrical Switching Discharge Synthesis of ZnO Nanorods: A New Method toward Rapid and Highly Tunable Synthesis of Oxide Semiconductors in Open Air and Water for Optoelectronic Applications

Abstract: "A novel method of oxide semiconductor nanoparticle synthesis is proposed based on high-voltage, high-current electrical switching discharge (HVHC-ESD). Through a subsecond discharge in the HVHC-ESD method, we successfully synthesized zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods. Crystallography and optical and electrical analyses approve the high crystal-quality and outstanding optoelectronic charac... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Feb. 3

Robotic plants In 2012, the European Commission launched the so-called Plantoid project. In the project, researchers hope to devise synthetic robotic plants. Inspired by plant roots, the robots could be used for soil monitoring and other applications. The group is devising so-called artifacts. These components resemble plants and plant roots. The new technologies expected to result from the... » read more