Making Sensors More Reliable

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the latest issues in sensors with Prakash Madhvapathy, director of product marketing, Tensilica audio/voice DSPs group at Cadence; Kevin Hughes, senior product manager for MEMS sensors at Infineon; and Matthew Hogan, product management director at Siemens EDA. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. [L-R] Kevin ... » read more

Six Things We Might Need For Pervasive Computing

There is little doubt that digital technology will become more pervasive than it is even now in the coming decades. Organizations like the Exponential Group argue that digital should be the first step in sustainability, estimating that hardware and software could help reduce emissions by 15% by 2030 and beyond by helping fine-tune buildings, factories, and other environments. Cars—already ... » read more

The Evolution Of Pervasive Computing

The computing world has gone full circle toward pervasive computing. In fact, it has done so more than once, which from the outside may look like a more rapid spin cycle than a real change of direction. Dig deeper, though, and it's apparent that some fundamental changes are at work. This genesis of pervasive computing dates back to the introduction of the PC in 1981, prior to which all corpo... » read more