Photonic-Electronic SmartNIC With Fast and Energy-Efficient Photonic Computing Cores (MIT)

A technical paper titled “Lightning: A Reconfigurable Photonic-Electronic SmartNIC for Fast and Energy-Efficient Inference” was published by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Abstract: "The massive growth of machine learning-based applications and the end of Moore's law have created a pressing need to redesign computing platforms. We propose Lightning, the first ... » read more

A Step Towards Eliminating The Von-Neumann Bottleneck By Co-locating Photonic Computing Elements And Non-Volatile Memory 

A technical paper titled “Non-volatile heterogeneous III-V/Si photonics via optical charge-trap memory” was published by researchers at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. "We demonstrate, for the first time, non-volatile charge-trap flash memory (CTM) co-located with heterogeneous III-V/Si photonics. The wafer-bonded III-V/Si CTM cell facilitates non-volatile optical functionality for a variety... » read more

Architecting Faster Computers

To create faster computers, the industry must take a major step back and re-examine choices that were made half a century ago. One of the most likely approaches involves dropping demands for determinism, and this is being attempted in several different forms. Since the establishment of the von Neumann architecture for computers, small, incremental improvements have been made to architectures... » read more