Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Subthreshold RISC-V Cores (NTNU)

A new technical paper titled "Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Subthreshold RISC-V Cores" was published by researchers at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Abstract "Our goal in this paper is to understand how to maximize energy efficiency when designing standard-ISA processor cores for subthreshold operation. We hence develop a custom subthreshold library and use it to ... » read more

Execution Dependence Extension (EDE): ISA Support For Eliminating Fences

Fence instructions are a coarse-grained mechanism to enforce the order of instruction execution in an out-of-order pipeline. They are an overkill for cases when only one instruction must wait for the completion of one other instruction. For example, this is the case when performing undo logging in Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) systems: while the update of a variable needs to wait until the correspo... » read more