UPF 1.0, UPF 2.0, UPF 2.1, UPF 3.0, And Now UPF 3.1

UPF is the fastest evolving IEEE standard, and UPF 3.1 is a major milestone in its evolution. This paper provides an in-depth analysis and relevant examples of all the new features introduced in UPF 3.1 along with semantic differences with earlier versions. It also highlights migration challenges to help users migrate from existing power formats to UPF 3.1. To read more, click here. » read more

Mixed-signal/Low-power Design

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss mixed-signal/low-power IC design with Phil Matthews, director of engineering at Silicon Labs; Yanning Lu, director of analog IC design at Ambiq Micro; Krishna Balachandran, director of low power solutions marketing at [getentity id="22032" comment="Cadence"]; Geoffrey Ying, director of product marketing, AMS Group, [getentity id="22035" e_name="Syno... » read more

Mixed-signal/Low-power Design

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss mixed-signal/low-power IC design with Phil Matthews, director of engineering at Silicon Labs; Yanning Lu, director of analog IC design at Ambiq Micro; Krishna Balachandran, director of low power solutions marketing at [getentity id="22032" comment="Cadence"]; Geoffrey Ying, director of product marketing, AMS Group, [getentity id="22035" e_name="Syno... » read more

Mixed-Signal/Low-Power Design

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss mixed-signal/low-power IC design with Phil Matthews, director of engineering at Silicon Labs; Yanning Lu, director of analog IC design at Ambiq Micro; Krishna Balachandran, director of low power solutions marketing at [getentity id="22032" comment="Cadence"]; Geoffrey Ying, director of product marketing, AMS Group, [getentity id="22035" e_name="Syno... » read more

UPF 3.0 Moves Toward Ratification

[gettech id="31044" t_name="UPF"] (Unified Power Format) 3.0 — the fourth incarnation in 10 years — is moving closer to the IEEE ballot process. Erich Marschner, verification architect at [getentity id="22017" e_name="Mentor Graphics"] and vice chair of the [gettech id="31043" comment="IEEE 1801"] working group, explained the working group is as close as possible to being on schedule for... » read more

An Update On The IEEE 1801-2013 Unified Power Format Standard

It’s been almost six years since the first IEEE 1801 standard was officially published in March of 2009, but the standard can trace its roots back to years before that date. On May 30, 2013 the IEEE released a press announcement for the most recent version of the standard, IEEE 1801-2013 (a.k.a. UPF 2.1). This brought forward a standard for the industry that is finally backed by all of the ma... » read more

Unraveling Power Methodologies

When working on articles, the editors at Semiconductor Engineering sometimes hear things that make them stand back and question what seems to be an industry truth. One such statement happened last month while researching a different article. The statement was: Most designs are not top-down, but in fact bottom-up when it comes to power management. The most used methodology today is that the RTL... » read more