Power Resolutions For 2014

As the ball dropped at midnight in New York’s Time Square, signifying the beginning of 2014, many had already decided on their resolutions for the New Year. Others decide during the first few days of the New Year. Undoubtedly, consideration involves common resolutions that we fall back on year after year. Individuals might think about health, losing weight and becoming more fit. Others think ... » read more

How to Achieve Estimation, Reduction, And Verification Of Power In RTL Designs

Maintaining power dissipation at low levels is a major concern in modern day IC designs. For wireless electronic appliances, battery life is one of the major influencers of the purchase decision and is an effective differentiator. Mobile phones, digital cameras and personal MP3 players are increasingly being sold based on their battery lives. In wired applications, power consumption determines ... » read more

Start Early, Cover All The Bases

Design for low power always has challenged designers and design tools. You need to have accuracy, because you are estimating implementation-centered parameters, but you need to start early, before implementation, if you are to have any hope of meaningfully reducing power. Sure, you can always play with body-bias, but that is a crude control. Real reductions after architecture always come throug... » read more

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