Survey of Energy Efficient PIM Processors

A new technical paper titled "Survey of Deep Learning Accelerators for Edge and Emerging Computing" was published by researchers at University of Dayton and the Air Force Research Laboratory. Abstract "The unprecedented progress in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in deep learning algorithms with ubiquitous internet connected smart devices, has created a high demand for AI compu... » read more

TCAM-SSD: A Framework For In-SSD Associative Search Using NAND Flash Memory

A new technical paper titled "TCAM-SSD: A Framework for Search-Based Computing in Solid-State Drives" was published by researchers at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Carnegie Mellon University, Samsung Electronics and Sandia National Laboratories. Abstract "As the amount of data produced in society continues to grow at an exponential rate, modern applications are incurring signific... » read more

Maximizing Edge Intelligence Requires More Than Computing

By Toshi Nishida, Avik W. Ghosh, Swaminathan Rajaraman, and Mircea Stan Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components have enabled a commodity market for Wi-Fi-connected appliances, consumer products, infrastructure, manufacturing, vehicles, and wearables. However, the vast majority of connected systems today are deployed at the edge of the network, near the end user or end application, opening... » read more

A Practical DRAM-Based Multi-Level PIM Architecture For Data Analytics

A technical paper titled "Darwin: A DRAM-based Multi-level Processing-in-Memory Architecture for Data Analytics" was published by researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) and SK hynix Inc. Abstract: "Processing-in-memory (PIM) architecture is an inherent match for data analytics application, but we observe major challenges to address when accelerating it usi... » read more

A PIM Architecture That Supports Floating Point-Precision Computations Within The Memory Chip

A technical paper titled “FlutPIM: A Look-up Table-based Processing in Memory Architecture with Floating-point Computation Support for Deep Learning Applications” was published by researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology and George Mason University. Abstract: "Processing-in-Memory (PIM) has shown great potential for a wide range of data-driven applications, especially Deep Learnin... » read more

Algorithm HW Framework That Minimizes Accuracy Degradation, Data Movement, And Energy Consumption Of DNN Accelerators (Georgia Tech)

This new research paper titled "An Algorithm-Hardware Co-design Framework to Overcome Imperfections of Mixed-signal DNN Accelerators" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech. According to the paper's abstract, "In recent years, processing in memory (PIM) based mixed-signal designs have been proposed as energy- and area-efficient solutions with ultra high throughput to accelerate DNN com... » read more

Polynesia, A Novel Hardware/Software Cooperative Design for In-Memory HTAP Databases

A team of researchers from ETH Zurich, Google and Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign recently published a technical paper titled "Polynesia: Enabling High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Databases with Hardware/Software Co-Design". Abstract (partial) "We propose Polynesia, a hardware–software co-designed system for in-memory HTAP [hybrid transactional/anal... » read more

ETH Zurich: PIM (Processing In Memory) Architecture, UPMEM & PrIM Benchmarks

New paper technical titled "Benchmarking a New Paradigm: An Experimental Analysis of a Real Processing-in-Memory Architecture" led by researchers at ETH Zurich. Researchers provide a comprehensive analysis of the first publicly-available real-world PIM architecture, UPMEM, and introduce PrIM (Processing-In-Memory benchmarks), a benchmark suite of 16 workloads from different application domai... » read more

SOT-MRAM-based CIM architecture for a CNN model

New research paper "In-Memory Computing Architecture for a Convolutional Neural Network Based on Spin Orbit Torque MRAM", from National Taiwan University, Feng Chia University, Chung Yuan Christian University. Abstract "Recently, numerous studies have investigated computing in-memory (CIM) architectures for neural networks to overcome memory bottlenecks. Because of its low delay, high energ... » read more

Research Bits: April 19

Processor power prediction Researchers from Duke University, Arm Research, and Texas A&M University developed an AI method for predicting the power consumption of a processor, returning results more than a trillion times per second while consuming very little power itself. “This is an intensively studied problem that has traditionally relied on extra circuitry to address,” said Zhiy... » read more

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