5G Design Changes

Mike Fitton, senior director of strategic planning at Achronix, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about the two distinct parts of 5G deployment, how to get a huge amount of data from the core to the edge of a device where it is usable, and how a network on chip can improve the flow of data. » read more

Making AI Run Faster

The semiconductor industry has woken up to the fact that heterogeneous computing is the way forward and that inferencing will require more than a GPU or a CPU. The numbers being bandied about by the 30 or so companies working on this problem are 100X improvements in performance. But how to get there isn't so simple. It requires four major changes, as well as some other architectural shifts. ... » read more

Tech Talk: eFPGA Density

Chen Wang, senior vice president of engineering at Flex Logix, talks about how to improve density in embedded FPGAs. https://youtu.be/Rk0oqzWQr8I » read more

Customizing Power And Performance

Designing chips is getting more difficult, and not just for the obvious technical reasons. The bigger issue revolves around what these chips going to be used for-and how will they be used, both by the end user and in the context of other electronics. This was a pretty simple decision when hardware was developed somewhat independently of software, such as in the PC era. Technology generally d... » read more

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