Chip Industry Week In Review

Rapidus and IBM are jointly developing mass production capabilities for chiplet-based advanced packages. The collaboration builds on an existing agreement to develop 2nm process technology. Vanguard and NXP will jointly establish VisionPower Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (VSMC) in Singapore to build a $7.8 billion, 12-inch wafer plant. This is part of a global supply chain shift “Out... » read more

Argonne & Univ. of Chicago: Using Quantum Computers to Simulate Quantum Materials

Research study titled "Simulating the electronic structure of spin defects on quantum computers," by Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago. Abstract: "We present calculations of the ground and excited state energies of spin defects in solids carried out on a quantum computer, using a hybrid classical/quantum protocol. We focus on the negatively charged nitrogen vacancy c... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Sept. 1

AI, quantum computing R&D centers The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) have announced over $1 billion in awards for the establishment of several new artificial intelligence and quantum information science (QIS) research institutes in the U.S. Under the plan, the U.S. is launching seven new... » read more