Securing AI Silicon

The importance of security in AI training/inference silicon is increasing in awareness. Over the past several months, I’ve noticed many questions in common from various parts of the microelectronic industry. In this blog post, I’ll share my thoughts on some of these most frequently asked questions. Firstly, people often ask if securing AI silicon is different from securing other types of... » read more

Rapid Changes Add New Concerns For IC Industry

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the impact of leading edge technologies such as generative AI in data centers, AR/VR, and security architectures for connected devices, with Michael Kurniawan, business strategy manager at Accenture; Kaushal Vora, senior director and head of business acceleration and ecosystem at Renesas Electronics; Paul Karazuba, vice preside... » read more

Post-Quantum And Pre-Quantum Security Issues Grow

General-purpose quantum computers will be able to crack the codes that protect much of the world’s information, and while these machines don’t exist yet, security experts say governments and businesses are starting to prepare for encryption in a post-quantum world. The task is made all the more challenging because no one knows exactly how future quantum machines will work, or even which mat... » read more

Post Quantum Cryptography Is Coming

Quantum computing has made big advances in recent years and experts agree that quantum computers capable of breaking 2048-bit RSA or 256-bit ECC will be built — it’s just a matter of time. In this white paper, we discuss the security algorithms NIST has selected for Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) and their instantiation in Rambus security products. Download this white paper to learn: ... » read more

Why It’s So Hard To Stop Cyber Attacks On ICs

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss security risks across multiple market segments with Helena Handschuh, security technologies fellow at Rambus; Mike Borza, principal security technologist for the Solutions Group at Synopsys; Steve Carlson, director of aerospace and defense solutions at Cadence; Alric Althoff, senior hardware security engineer at Tortuga Logic; and Joe Kiniry, princi... » read more

Startup Puts Quantum Security on USB, Dongles

U.K. startup Quantum Base, Ltd. is one of a small number of companies betting on the benefits of quantum computing even without quantum computers. The six-and-a-half-year-old company came together largely because its technical guru was frustrated at how long it was taking to develop genuine quantum computers and wanted to find a practical, immediate use for the things he'd learned in his own... » read more

The Quantum IoE

The principle of quantum communication (QC) is that it can transfer a quantum state between locations. The significance of that cannot be overstated. This is what we can look to for the delivery of the super-secure communications networks of the future. This kind of secure communications is made to order for the IoE (and, of course, many other platforms). No matter how simple or complex the ... » read more