Design Space For The Device-Circuit Codesign Of NVM-Based CIM Accelerators (TSMC)

A new technical paper titled "Assessing Design Space for the Device-Circuit Codesign of Nonvolatile Memory-Based Compute-in-Memory Accelerators" was published by TSMC researchers. Abstract "Unprecedented penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms has brought about rapid innovations in electronic hardware, including new memory devices. Nonvolatile memory (NVM) devices offer one s... » read more

Power Delivery Challenges in 3D HI CIM Architectures for AI Accelerators (Georgia Tech)

A new technical paper titled "Co-Optimization of Power Delivery Network Design for 3D Heterogeneous Integration of RRAM-based Compute In-Memory Accelerators" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech. Abstract: "3D heterogeneous integration (3D HI) offers promising solutions for incorporating substantial embedded memory into cutting-edge analog compute-in-memory (CIM) AI accelerators, ad... » read more

Non-Stateful Logic Gates in ReRAM (RWTH Aachen, FZJ)

A new technical paper titled "Experimental Verification and Evaluation of Non-Stateful Logic Gates in Resistive RAM" was published by researchers at RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ). Abstract "Resistively switching, non-volatile memory devices facilitate new logic paradigms by combining storage and processing elements. Several non-stateful concepts such as Sco... » read more

Research Bits: Sept. 24

Modeling negative capacitance Researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory developed an open-source 3D simulation framework capable of modeling the atomistic origins of negative capacitance in ferroelectric thin films at the device level. When a material has negative capacitance, it can store a greater amount of electrical charge at lower voltages. The team believes the FerroX fra... » read more

NeuroHammer Attacks on ReRAM-Based Memories

A new technical paper titled "NVM-Flip: Non-Volatile-Memory BitFlips on the System Level" was published by researchers at Ruhr-University Bochum, University of Duisburg-Essen, and Robert Bosch. Abstract "Emerging non-volatile memories (NVMs) are promising candidates to substitute conventional memories due to their low access latency, high integration density, and non-volatility. These super... » read more

Memory On Logic: The Good And Bad

The chip industry is progressing rapidly toward 3D-ICs, but a simpler step has been shown to provide gains equivalent to a whole node advancement — extracting distributed memories and placing them on top of logic. Memory on logic significantly reduces the distance between logic and directly associated memory. This can increase performance by 22% and reduce power by 36%, according to one re... » read more

Building CFETs With Monolithic And Sequential 3D

Successive versions of vertical transistors are emerging as the likely successor to finFETs, combining lower leakage with significant area reduction. A stacked nanosheet transistor, introduced at N3, uses multiple channel layers to maintain the overall channel length and necessary drive current while continuing to reduce the standard cell footprint. The follow-on technology, the CFET, pushes... » read more

Developing ReRAM As Next Generation On-Chip Memory For Machine Learning, Image Processing And Other Advanced CPU Applications

In modern CPU device operation, 80% to 90% of energy consumption and timing delays are caused by the movement of data between the CPU and off-chip memory. To alleviate this performance concern, designers are adding additional on-chip memory to their CPUs. Traditionally, SRAM has been the most widely used on-chip CPU memory type. Unfortunately, SRAM is currently limited to a size of hundreds of ... » read more

3D Integration Supports CIM Versatility And Accuracy

Compute-in-memory (CIM) is gaining attention due to its efficiency in limiting the movement of massive volumes of data, but it's not perfect. CIM modules can help reduce the cost of computation for AI workloads, and they can learn from the highly efficient approaches taken by biological brains. When it comes to versatility, scalability, and accuracy, however, significant tradeoffs are requir... » read more

SRAM’s Role In Emerging Memories

Experts at the Table — Part 3: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about AI, the latest issues in SRAM, and the potential impact of new types of memory, with Tony Chan Carusone, CTO at Alphawave Semi; Steve Roddy, chief marketing officer at Quadric; and Jongsin Yun, memory technologist at Siemens EDA. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. Part one of this conversation can be ... » read more

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