Case Study – Rohinni Micro LEDs

Rohinni combines vision, execution and micron-scale electronics to make impossible products possible. Using its patented device-placement technologies, Rohinni, together with its joint venture partners, enables bringing innovative products to market in high volumes, and at greatly reduced cost. Click here to read more. » read more

MicroLEDs Moving From Lab to Fab

Every disruptive technology has its "aha" moment — the time when everyone from engineers to investors realizes that, yes, this technology is the real deal and it won’t be scrapped on the R&D floor. For many, it was Samsung’s recent announcement of a 110-inch microLED TV that irrevocably put microLEDs on the map. The TV’s price is $155,000, but as with most consumer electronics th... » read more

Inspection And Metrology Of Micro LED Technology

Micro LEDs developed using Rohinni’s technology can be deployed in consumer electronics devices, automotive applications and outdoor signage, among other applications. The disruptive technology enables products that are brighter, thinner, lighter and more dynamic that those currently on the market, with lower power consumption than LCD or OLED. Rohinni needed an inspection and metrology so... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

Trade wars Talks between the United States and China continue to stall and the two nations are still embroiled in a trade war. So this week, U.S. President Donald Trump would like to impose a 10% tariff on the remaining $300 billion list of China-based imports starting Sept. 1, according to a report from Reuters. This in turn will impact the electronics and IC industries. In response to the... » read more