Unlocking The Value Of Yield

Have you stopped to consider the impact of yield on your overall product cost? Of course you did, when you considered your yield targets and set your product goals. But is it good enough to stop once the goals are achieved, or should you find ways to drive additional value into your organization once production has begun? What is the value of a 1% improvement in product yield? The short answer ... » read more

AI Semiconductors Require An Integrated Test Solution

The rapid proliferation of generative pre-trained transformers based on large language models (LLMs) is driving growth in the market for chips that can run the LLMs and other artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications. Several types of chips hold promise for accelerating AI computing. Graphical processing units (GPUs) have proven to be capable solutions for the server/c... » read more

Hyperconvergence Of Design For Test And Physical Design

By Sri Ganta and Hyoung-Kook Kim In today’s highly competitive semiconductor industry, chip-design companies strive for competitive advantages by optimizing designs for PPA (Power, Performance, Area). Along with the functional logic, design cores also comprise DFT (Design for Test) logic that spreads across the design. The DFT logic also must be optimized for PPA, requiring design implemen... » read more

Industry Standards For Chiplets And Their Role In Test

As the semiconductor industry increasingly moves to chiplets, 2.5D/3D packaging, and heterogeneous integration, there are significant new challenges for test. Leaders like Teradyne have the technologies necessary to respond and innovate, but to keep the industry running smoothly, we need effective collaboration, and that demands standardization. Source: Arizona State University There ... » read more

Challenges And Outlook Of ATE Testing For 2nm SoCs

The transition to the 2nm technology node introduces unprecedented challenges in Automated Test Equipment (ATE) bring-up and manufacturability. As semiconductor devices scale down, the complexity of testing and ensuring manufacturability increases exponentially. 3nm silicon is a mastered art now, with yields hitting pretty high for even complex packaged silicon, while the transition from 3nm to... » read more

Understanding Scandump: A Key Silicon Debugging Technique

Scandump is an advanced silicon debugging technique that ingeniously repurposes DFT (Design For Testability) scan chains for functional debugging. This method allows for the extraction of states from registers or latches that are stitched into the scan chains, providing critical diagnostic insights. Scandump is particularly invaluable when the CPU is deadlocked or when the system hardware bec... » read more

AI-Driven Test Optimization Solves Semiconductor Test Costs And Design Schedules

Artificial Intelligence has become a pervasive technology that is being applied to solve today’s complex problems, especially in the areas involving exponentially large amounts of data, their analysis, and corresponding decision making that are otherwise limited by human abilities. Therefore, complex challenges in semiconductor design, test and manufacturing are a perfect match for AI. The... » read more

Optimizing Scan Test For Complex ICs

As chips become more heterogeneous with more integrated functionality, testing them presents increasing challenges — particularly for high-speed system-on-chip (SoC) designs with limited test pin availability. In addition, the complexity of emerging packages like 3D and chiplets necessitates comprehensive new solutions that can provide faster results at multiple stages in the silicon lifec... » read more

Scan Pattern Portability From PSV To ATE To SLT To IST

By Ash Patel and Karthik Natarajan Chip testing has become increasingly complex due to the number of variables impacting designs – from design size and complexity, to high transistor counts on advanced technology nodes, to 2.5D/3D packaging, to manufacturing variability. All of these combine to make testing today's chips and packages more complicated than ever before. The number of test pa... » read more

Testing The Stack: DFT Is Ready For 3D Devices

When existing advanced 2D designs already push the limits of design-for-test (DFT) tools, what hope do developers have of managing DFT for 3D devices? Can anyone afford the tool run time, on-chip area demand, pattern count, and test time? The answer, from an array of experts, is yes, there is a path to a scalable, affordable, and comprehensive DFT solution for 3D ICs. Well-covered strategies... » read more

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