Using Real Workloads To Assess Thermal Impacts

Thermal analysis is being driven much further left in the design, fueled by demand for increased transistor density and more features on a chip or in a package, as well as the unique ways the various components may be exercised or stressed. However, getting a clear picture of the thermal activity in advanced-node chips and packages is extremely complex, and it can vary significantly by use c... » read more

Data Formats For Inference On The Edge

AI/ML training traditionally has been performed using floating point data formats, primarily because that is what was available. But this usually isn't a viable option for inference on the edge, where more compact data formats are needed to reduce area and power. Compact data formats use less space, which is important in edge devices, but the bigger concern is the power needed to move around... » read more

Achieving High-Performance, Low-Power Design Optimization With The Solido Library IP Solution

Achieving overall power, performance, and area (PPA) targets is a key goal for today’s advanced IC design projects. To accomplish this, standard cell and memory libraries must be optimized for PPA. In this white paper, we describe how the Siemens Solido IP Library Solution helps engineering teams design and verify library IP to optimize PPA tradeoffs, maximize yield, and validate for easy int... » read more

The Uncertain Future Of In-Memory Compute

Experts at the Table — Part 2: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about AI and the latest issues in SRAM with Tony Chan Carusone, chief technology officer at Alphawave Semi; Steve Roddy, chief marketing officer at Quadric; and Jongsin Yun, memory technologist at Siemens EDA. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. Part one of this conversation can be found here and part 3 is h... » read more

Security Becoming Core Part Of Chip Design — Finally

Security is shifting both left and right in the design flow as chipmakers wrestle with how to build devices that are both secure by design and resilient enough to remain secure throughout their lifetimes. As increasingly complex devices are connected to the internet and to each other, IP vendors, chipmakers, and systems companies are racing to address existing and potential threats across a ... » read more

AI Races To The Edge

AI is becoming increasingly sophisticated and pervasive at the edge, pushing into new application areas and even taking on some of the algorithm training that has been done almost exclusively in large data centers using massive sets of data. There are several key changes behind this shift. The first involves new chip architectures that are focused on processing, moving, and storing data more... » read more

Advanced DFT And Silicon Bring-Up For AI Chips

The AI market is growing quickly, spurring an insatiable demand for powerful AI accelerators. AI chip makers are pressed with aggressive time-to-market goals and need the tools to help them get their chips into the hands of customers as quickly as possible. IC test and silicon bring-up are tasks that can affect both the quality and the time-to-market of AI chips. Different companies are usin... » read more

Use Advanced DFT And Silicon Bring Up To Accelerate AI Chip Design

The market for AI chips is growing quickly, with the 2022 revenue of $20B expected to grow to over $300B by 2030. To keep up with the demand and stay competitive, AI chip designers set aggressive time-to-market goals. Design teams looking for ways to shave significant time off chip development time can look to advanced DFT and silicon bring up techniques described in this paper, including hiera... » read more

Blog Review: Dec. 6

Cadence's Vinod Khera checks out potential implications of generative AI for EDA, including how it could increase the learning rate of students and reduce the rising verification cost. Synopsys' Kiran Vittal considers the driving factors behind RISC-V's growth and why it is becoming increasingly important for applications ranging from automotive to 5G mobile, AI, and data centers. Siemens... » read more

AI Accelerator Architectures Poised For Big Changes

AI is driving a frenzy of activity in the chip world as companies across the semiconductor ecosystem race to include AI in their product lineup. The challenge now is how to make AI run faster, use less energy, and to be able to leverage it from the edge to the data center — particularly with the rollout of large language models. On the hardware side, there are two main approaches for accel... » read more

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