200mm Shortages May Persist For Years

A surge in demand for chips at more mature process nodes is causing shortages for both 200mm foundry capacity and 200mm equipment, and it shows no signs of letting up. In fact, even with new capacity coming on line this year, shortages are likely to persist for years, driving up prices and forcing significant changes across the semiconductor supply chain. Shortages for both 200mm foundry cap... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Internet of Things SEMI-FlexTech launched six flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) projects, collaborating with U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL), to accelerate innovations in sensor and sensor systems. Participating in the projects are American Semiconductor, Inc., University of Texas El Paso, Tekscan, PARC, Alertgy, and Iowa State University, among others. Some of the projects include develop... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Presto Engineering, an outsourced operations provider to semiconductor and IoT device manufacturers, acquired the DELTA Microelectronics business unit of FORCE Technology. The acquisition adds DELTA's ASIC design and manufacturing to its portfolio. The two companies will retain a strong relationship: FORCE Technology has become a shareholder of Presto Engineering and Juan Farré, FORCE’s CTO,... » read more