The Week In Review: Manufacturing

First Solar announced that Apple has committed $848 million for clean energy from First Solar’s California Flats Solar Project in Monterey County, Calif. Apple will receive electricity from 130 megawatts (MW) AC of the solar project under a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA), the largest agreement in the industry to provide clean energy to a commercial end user. Applied Materials repor... » read more

The Week In Review: Manufacturing

China’s ambitious plan in the 1990s to create numerous foundries did not come to fruition. But in 2014, the Chinese government described new semiconductor industry programs that will utilize investments by both the Chinese national government ($19.5 billion) and local government and private equity investors ($97.4 billion). “IC Insights believes that these outlays have the potential to sign... » read more

The Week In Review: Manufacturing

This announcement could send some shock waves throughout the foundry business. For its baseband chips, Qualcomm uses several foundries, namely GlobalFoundries, Samsung and TSMC. Now, Qualcomm has another foundry partner. China’s Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC) says that it has fabricated Qualcomm’s 28nm Snapdragon 410 processors. Snapdragon 410 is a processor that int... » read more

Manufacturing Constraint Fears Grow

The semiconductor industry could become a victim of its own success. With so many semiconductors being consumed inside of cars, home electronics and industry, capacity shortages are beginning to surface in some areas. Foundries set rates depending upon a complex mix of process technology, equipment depreciation, customer demand and the need to push customers from one node the next depending ... » read more

Solid Years: Cautious Optimism Drives Equipment Spending Into 2015

Worldwide semiconductor capital expenditure growth for this year is expected to be 11% and will increase another 8% in 2015. Throughout 2014, SEMI has tracked 177 facilities worldwide investing about US$34 billion on semiconductor equipment. In 2015, 190 facilities are being tracked with fab equipment spending worth over $40 billion. The double-digit growth in fab equipment spending for this ye... » read more

The Week In Review: Manufacturing

STMicroelectronics announced mixed results for the quarter. The company also launched a plan to cut $100 million in costs. As part of the plan, it is reviewing the implications to its process technology efforts following the recent announcements by its research alliance partners, namely IBM. STMicro is one of the main drivers of FDSOI technology. The company’s FDSOI partner is IBM, which is s... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

IP Cadence rolled out a portfolio of stacked die memory verification IP to support Wide I/O-2, Hybrid Memory Cube, high-bandwidth memory, and DDR4-3DS. Included are direct memory access for read, write, save, preload and comparison of memory contents, assertions, error configurability, and a built-in address manager. ARM rolled out additions to its enterprise-class SoC interconnects for qua... » read more

Ready To Pounce

A series of inflection points at 16/14nm and beyond is having a rather unusual effect on the semiconductor industry. Rather than forge ahead with the next nodes to gain an edge and early lead over rivals—the standard formula for success over the past five decades—the entire supply chain is poised on the edge, waiting for someone to make the first move before they take action. The problem... » read more

Foundries Versus OSATs

Since the 1990s, commercial foundries have ruled semiconductor manufacturing while the [getkc id='83' comment='OSAT'] providers (OSATs) have dominated IC packaging and testing. But as the industry moves toward stacked die over the next couple of years, and big foundries see a chance to expand their reach, the stage is set for an all-out war. There is much at stake on both sides. Foundries g... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

Tools The Android Open Source Project for ARM’s v8-A architecture is now available as part of the Linaro 14.06 release. The release has been tested on 64-bit multicore processors. Research NXP conducted a secure credit card survey that showed Americans are more likely to pay cash following security breaches at large retail chains, with 69% in favor of secure credit cards to guard against... » read more

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