Verification Facing Unique Inflection Point

The Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition (DVCon) attracted more than 1,100 people to San Jose last week, just slightly less than last year. While a lot of focus, and most of the glory, goes to design within semiconductor companies, it is verification where most of the advancements are happening and thus the bigger focus for DVCon. The rate of change in verification and the producti... » read more

Techno-Morality Is Our Concern

A decade or so ago, [getentity id="22035" e_name="Synopsys"] Chairman of the Board and co-CEO [getperson id="11034" comment="Aart de Geus"] gave a bunch of talks about the importance of Techonomics. Fundamentally this was about the merging of technology and business economics. De Geus saw that we were entering a period of connected everything, and that devices increasingly would be driven by in... » read more

Bridging Hardware And Software

Methodology and reuse are two fairly standard concepts when it comes to semiconductor design, but they're viewed completely differently by hardware and software teams. It's a given that hardware and software have different goals and opinions about how best to do design. And while all agree that a single methodology can pay dividends in future chips, there is disagreement over who should shap... » read more

A History of (Premature) Optimization

I saw some material shared from DVCon Europe last month that suggested a competition brewing between shift left and agile in semiconductor development. As someone who’s been following shift left writing and been advocating for agile development, this kind of comparison is more than a little odd to see. It’s a comparison between two as yet amorphous development strategies, neither of which i... » read more

One Flow To Rule Them All

The new mantra of shift left within EDA is nothing new and first made an appearance more than a decade ago. At that time there was a very large divide between logic synthesis and place and route. As wire delays became more important, timing closure became increasingly difficult with a logic synthesis flow that did not take that into account. The tools subsequently became tied much closer togeth... » read more

HW Vs. SW: Who’s Leading Whom?

In the past, technologies were developed in the software world that have languished until they were taken up by the hardware community. Then they were refined and polished and became fully integrated into the hardware development and verification flow. Examples are lint and formal. That was followed by attempts to migrate methodologies, such as object-oriented programming, which is the basis fo... » read more

Blog Review: Sept. 9

Doulos' John Aynsley explains in a guest blog for Aldec why FPGA designers need to know SystemVerilog and UVM. Might be time to increase the coffee budget. Speaking of verification, Cadence's Frank Schirrmeister notes that his company is joining forces with Mentor Graphics and Breker for a contribution to the Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group. This is potentially a big deal in veri... » read more

Poised For Aspect-Oriented Design?

In 1992, [getperson id=" 11046 " comment="Yoav Hollander"] had the idea to take a software programming discipline called aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and apply it to the verification of hardware. Those concepts were incorporated into the [gettech id="31021" t_name="e"] language and [getentity id="22068" e_name="Verisity"] was formed to commercialize it. Hollander had seen that using obj... » read more

UVM: What’s Stopping You?

These days, verification of the most complex designs is performed using a standard verification methodology, probably SystemVerilog-based [gettech id="31055" comment="UVM"]. Many verification teams have ramped up on UVM, but others have yet to take the plunge. Why is that? And how big a “plunge” is it, anyway? If UVM is as great as all that, then why hasn’t everybody adopted it already... » read more

More Data, Different Approaches

Scaling, rising complexity, and integration are all contributing to an explosion in data, from initial design to physical layout to verification and into the manufacturing phase. Now the question is what to do with all of that data. For SoC designs, that data is critical for identifying real and potential problems. It also allows verification engineers working the back end of the design flow... » read more

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