Power/Performance Bits: Nov. 3

Wirelessly charging multiple devices Researchers from ITMO University developed a metamaterial that can be used to turn surfaces into wireless charging areas for multiple devices from different manufacturers with different power transfer standards. "There are various wireless power transfer standards with different frequencies, so you can't just use a charger by any manufacturer," said Poli... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Sept. 22

Drawing sensors on skin Researchers from the University of Houston and University of Chicago created an ink pen that can draw multifunctional sensors and circuits directly on skin. These "drawn-on-skin electronics" aim to provide more precise health data, free of the artifacts that are associated with wearable devices and flexible electronic patches. Caused when the sensor doesn't move prec... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Aug. 25

AI architecture optimization Researchers at Rice University, Stanford University, University of California Santa Barbara, and Texas A&M University proposed two complementary methods for optimizing data-centric processing. The first, called TIMELY, is an architecture developed for “processing-in-memory” (PIM). A promising PIM platform is resistive random access memory, or ReRAM. Whil... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Security The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) selected Synopsys as the main contractor to provide SoC design tools and security IP for its Automatic Implementation of Secure Silicon (AISS) program. The four-year program’s goal to develop a design tool and IP ecosystem to automate adding security into integrated circuits. Synopsys will be working on a research team with ... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Dec. 23

High mobility transistor Engineers at the University of Delaware created a high-electron mobility transistor, a device that amplifies and controls electrical current, using gallium nitride (GaN) with indium aluminum-nitride as the barrier on a silicon substrate. Among devices of its type, the team says their transistor has record-setting properties, including record low gate leakage current... » read more

Shedding Pounds In Automotive Electronics

Weight is emerging as a key concern for carmakers as more electronic circuitry is added into vehicles that are either fully or partially powered by batteries. As a result, chipmakers and OEMs are exploring alternative substrate materials, different types of sensor fusion, and new ways to reduce the number of wires. Adding pounds reduces driving range for electric or hybrid vehicles. The auto... » read more

How To Test Autonomous Vehicles

By Kevin Fogarty and Ed Sperling The race is on to develop ways of testing autonomous vehicles to prove they are safe under most road conditions, but this has turned out to be much more difficult than initially thought. The autonomous vehicle technology itself is still in various stages of development, with carmakers struggling to fine-tune AI algorithms that can guide robots on wheels th... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: June 5

Water insulators North Carolina State University, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Texas A&M University have developed what could be considered as water insulators for energy storage applications. Basically, researchers sandwiched water between two materials, enabling higher power storage devices with more efficiency. More specifically, in the lab, researchers developed a compou... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Feb. 27

Magnesium-ion batteries Texas A&M University and others have discovered a new metal-oxide magnesium battery cathode material—a technology that promises to deliver a higher density of energy storage than today’s traditional lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells. Magnesium-ion battery technology is promising. A battery consists of an anode (negative), cathode (positive), electrolytes and a separat... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Aug. 13

Crawling And Climbing Robots The field of autonomous robotics is generating interest, as these systems can explore areas and perform functions that are risky and inaccessible to humans. The University of California at San Diego and EPFL separately have developed new autonomous robots for a range of applications. For example, UC San Diego has developed a robot designed to scoot along utility... » read more

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