The Rise and Fall of Synthesis Bugs in Safety-Critical FPGAs

For standards IEC 61508 / ISO 26262 / EN 50128 / DO-254. FPGAs are the dominant hardware platform in low-volume, safety-critical applications, including aerospace, and nuclear power plants. Modern FPGAs allow for the implementation of high performance designs with integrated safety mechanisms. This is driving adoption in additional industries, including automotive. Functional safety standard... » read more

Custom Versus Platform Design

The increase in [getkc id="81" kc_name="SoC"] complexity is being mirrored by a rise in complexity within the markets that drive demand for those chips. The upshot is that a push toward greater connectivity, lower power and better performance—and all for a minimal cost—has turned the pros and cons for custom design vs. platforms and superchips into a murky decision-making process. For t... » read more