Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

The U.S. Commerce Department issued export controls on key technologies, including gallium oxide (Ga2O3) and diamond substrates, which are used at high voltages and temperatures, as well as EDA tools specifically developed for GAA FETs. It's not clear how this will impact EDA companies, because many of the tools that will be used for designing for GAA FETs already are in use today for finFETs. ... » read more

Efficient Neuromorphic AI Chip: “NeuroRRAM”

New technical paper titled "A compute-in-memory chip based on resistive random-access memory" was published by a team of international researchers at Stanford, UCSD, University of Pittsburgh, University of Notre Dame and Tsinghua University. The paper's abstract states "by co-optimizing across all hierarchies of the design from algorithms and architecture to circuits and devices, we present ... » read more

Tradeoffs In Archiving Data

If you’ve ever had to sort through old technical documents, wondering what still has value and what can be safely tossed, you can identify with the quandary of Thomas Levy, UCSD professor of anthropology and co-founder of the field of cyber-archaeology. Staring at thousands of pieces of pottery in a Jordanian dessert, he erred on the side of keeping it all. “My personal perspective when ... » read more

Technical Paper Round-up: June 14

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=33 /] Semiconductor Engineering is in the process of building this library of research papers. Please send suggestions (via comments section below) for what else you’d like us to incorporate. If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit f... » read more

Deep Learning Applications For Material Sciences: Methods, Recent Developments

New technical paper titled "Recent advances and applications of deep learning methods in materials science" from researchers at NIST, UCSD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, Northwestern University, and Columbia University. Abstract "Deep learning (DL) is one of the fastest-growing topics in materials data science, with rapidly emerging applications spanning... » read more

Sensors In Fire Detection

The last 10 years or so have produced some colossal and deadly fire events that have destroyed whole towns, burned a record amount of acreage, and polluted skies for weeks. And wildfires are not just happening in the Western United States but have burnt out of control in Europe, the Amazon, and Australia. Early wildfire detection and forest management via controlled burns are two ways to pre... » read more

Technical Paper Round-up: May 17

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=27 /] Semiconductor Engineering is in the process of building this library of research papers. Please send suggestions (via comments section below) for what else you’d like us to incorporate. If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a go... » read more

“Lab On The Skin” Monitors Multiple Biomarkers

New research from UC San Diego's Center For Wearable Sensors, "An integrated wearable microneedle array for the continuous monitoring of multiple biomarkers in interstitial fluid." Current continuous glucose monitors on the market like Dexcom only measure glucose. This device also monitors alcohol and lactate. “With our wearable, people can see the interplay between their glucose spikes... » read more

AKER: A Design and Verification Framework for Safe and Secure SoC Access Control

Abstract: "Modern systems on a chip (SoCs) utilize heterogeneous architectures where multiple IP cores have concurrent access to on-chip shared resources. In security-critical applications, IP cores have different privilege levels for accessing shared resources, which must be regulated by an access control system. AKER is a design and verification framework for SoC access control. AKER builds ... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Sept. 21

Catching switches in action Researchers from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Hewlett Packard Labs, Penn State University, and Purdue University observed atoms moving inside an electronic switch as it turns on and off, revealing a state they suspect could lead to faster, more energy-efficient devices. "This research is a breakthrough in ultrafast technology and sci... » read more

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