Research Bits: Mar. 5

Anti-ambipolar transistor Materials scientists from the City University of Hong Kong propose using transistors made of mixed-dimensional nanowires and nanoflakes to create multivalued logic devices. By combining GaAsSb nanowires and MoS2 nanoflakes, the team created a hetero-transistor with anti-ambipolar transfer characteristics, in which positive (holes) and negative (electron) charge car... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Intellectual Property Flex Logix inked an agreement with the Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate (AFRL/RY) covering any Flex Logix IP technology for use in all US Government-funded programs for research and prototyping purposes with no license fees. “Our first license with AFRL for EFLX eFPGA in GlobalFoundries 12nm process was highly successful, with more than a half dozen pr... » read more

Chemoselective Surface Trap-Mediated Metal Growth on Semiconductor Nanocrystals

Abstract "We present a highly chemoselective deposition of precious metals on semiconductor nanoheterostructures with a strong preference for cadmium and zinc telluride over the lighter chalcogenides. The selectivity is explained by p-type surface traps on the tellurides, compared to n-type defects of the homologous sulfides and selenides, and can be turned off by passivating the particle su... » read more

Roadmap on organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices

ABSTRACT Metal halide perovskites are the first solution processed semiconductors that can compete in their functionality with conventional semiconductors, such as silicon. Over the past several years, perovskite semiconductors have reported breakthroughs in various optoelectronic devices, such as solar cells, photodetectors, light emitting and memory devices, and so on. Until now, perovskit... » read more

System Bits: Feb. 21

Recreating the brain Stanford University and Sandia National Laboratories researchers have created an organic, high-performance, low-energy artificial synapse for neural network computing that aims to better recreate the way the human brain processes information, and could also lead to improvements in brain-machine technologies. Alberto Salleo, associate professor of materials science and e... » read more

System Bits: Dec. 20

Removing quasiparticles from superconducting quantum circuits improves lifetime Given that an important prerequisite for the realization of high-performance quantum computers is that the stored data should remain intact for as long as possible, an international team of scientists at European interdisciplinary research institute Forschungszentrum Jülich has succeeded in making further improvem... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: April 21

Harvesting more electromagnetic energy Researchers from the University of Waterloo in Canada showed for the first time that it's possible to collect essentially all of the electromagnetic energy that falls onto a surface. Their approach involves the use of metamaterials that can be tailored to produce media that neither reflects nor transmits any power, enabling full absorption of incident w... » read more