Chip Industry Week In Review

Rapidus and IBM are jointly developing mass production capabilities for chiplet-based advanced packages. The collaboration builds on an existing agreement to develop 2nm process technology. Vanguard and NXP will jointly establish VisionPower Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (VSMC) in Singapore to build a $7.8 billion, 12-inch wafer plant. This is part of a global supply chain shift “Out... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: June 27

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=113 /]   » read more

Search Based Method For Identifying Aging Model Parameters

A technical paper titled “Leveraging Public Information to Fit a Compact Hot Carrier Injection Model to a Target Technology” was published by researchers at University of Victoria. Abstract: "The design of countermeasures against integrated circuit counterfeit recycling requires the ability to simulate aging in CMOS devices. Electronic design automation tools commonly provide this ability... » read more