Engineering Challenges for Viable Autonomous Vehicles

The rise of autonomous and electric vehicles brings with it a host of engineering implications, including an increase in the number and variety of sensors in the vehicle, increasing software and hardware complexity, massive validation and verification cycles, heightened safety and security requirements, and new demands for digital data continuity. This paper is an overview of how six interdisci... » read more

EDA In The Cloud (Part 2)

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the migration of EDA tools into the Cloud with Arvind Vel, director of product management at ANSYS; Michal Siwinski, vice president of product management at Cadence; Richard Paw, product marketing manager at DellEMC, Gordon Allan, product manager at Mentor, a Siemens Business; Doug Letcher, president and CEO of Metrics, Tom Anderson, technical marke... » read more

Partitioning Becomes More Difficult

The divide-and-conquer approach that has been the backbone of verification for decades is becoming more difficult at advanced nodes. There are more interactions from different blocks and features, more power domains, more physical effects to track, and far more complex design rules to follow. This helps explain why the number of tools required on each design—simulation, prototyping, em... » read more

Interface DRC Can Streamline Chip-Level Interface Physical Verification

In most design companies, the chip-level physical implementation teams responsible for design floorplanning in place and route (P&R) environments also manage top-level physical verification from the early floorplanning stages through tapeout. In early floorplanning stages, blocks placed in the chip-level floorplan are usually still under development. Merging these incomplete blocks with the... » read more

Inside UVM, Take Three

The reason why UVM came up with such phases is because synchronization among all design-testbench was necessary. Using Verilog and VHDL, verification engineers did not have facilities such as clocking block or run phases. Now, it is very important that the time at which test vectors applied from test-bench reaches the Design Under Test(DUT) at the same time. If timing for different signals vari... » read more

Hidden Costs Of Shifting Left

The term "Shift Left" has been used increasingly within the semiconductor development flow to indicate tasks that were once performed sequentially must now be done concurrently. This is usually due to a tightening of dependences between tasks. One such example being talked about today is the need to perform hardware/software integration much earlier in the flow, rather than leaving it as a sequ... » read more

Tech Talk: Improving Verification

Frank Schirrmeister, senior group director for product management and marketing at Cadence, discusses how to verify different use cases, focusing on software, low-power designs, connectivity, and a variety of end markets. » read more

EDA In The Cloud

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the migration of EDA tools into the Cloud with Arvind Vel, director of product management at ANSYS; Michal Siwinski, vice president of product management at Cadence; Richard Paw, product marketing manager at DellEMC, Gordon Allan, product manager at Mentor, a Siemens Business; Doug Letcher, president and CEO of Metrics, Tom Anderson, technical marke... » read more

8 Checks That Every PCB Designer Needs To Achieve Electrical Sign-Off

Automate electrical design rule checking (DRC) for fast, cost-effective PCB design verification. These eight rules apply regardless of your PCB layout tool or level of expertise. To read more, click here. » read more

Power-Aware Intent And Structural Verification Of Low-Power Designs

In Part 1 of this series on power aware (PA) verification, we examined the foundations and verification features of PA static checks. In Part 2, we will discuss the features of the static verification library and describe best static verification practices. Library for Static Verifications Cell-level and pin-level attributes from Liberty are mandatorily required for accurate PA-Static verif... » read more

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