Power Semiconductors: A Deep Dive Into Materials, Manufacturing & Business

Whether you’re the owner of the average smartphone, commuting on trains, or driving around in a Tesla, you use power semiconductor devices every day. In a technology-dependent world, these devices are everywhere, and demand for more types of chips using different materials is growing. In the past, most engineers paid little attention to power semiconductors. They were deemed commodity, off... » read more

China Chip Industry Startup Funding Annual Report & Analysis: 2022

China is racing to stay competitive in semiconductors, as trade sanctions increasingly limit its access to EDA tools and manufacturing equipment required for the most advanced manufacturing processes. As a result, state-backed investors and regional development funds are pouring money into domestic semiconductor companies. This report will provide a glimpse into where the money is going, and wh... » read more

Chip Industry Startup Funding Annual Report & Analysis: 2022

Introduction New ideas fuel the semiconductor industry, and money enables those ideas. Tracking what startups get funded is one way to see which ideas are more viable and which problems need to be solved most urgently. In general, the more startups working on a solution to a particular problem, the greater the need for a viable solution — and the more likely one will be developed. Investo... » read more

Startup Funding: Aug. 2022

Investors funneled $1.9 billion into startups last month. The total was down from the previous few months for companies tracked by Semiconductor Engineering, but still a strong showing for the chip industry and related technologies. By market segment, power devices were a bright spot in August's funding, with 12 companies receiving new financing rounds. A manufacturer of multilayer ceramic c... » read more

Startup Funding: August 2022 Sortable Funding Chart

Below is a sortable chart that accompanies your e-book purchase of Semiconductor Engineering's August 2022. Startup Funding report.  Simply click on the top headers to determine your primary sort. [table id=52 /] The complete ebook (over 40 pages) can be found here. » read more

Startup Funding: August 2022

Investors funneled $1.9 billion into startups last month. The total was down from the previous few months for companies tracked by Semiconductor Engineering, but still a strong showing for the chip industry and related technologies. By market segment, power devices were a bright spot in August's funding, with 12 companies receiving new financing rounds. A manufacturer of multilayer ceramic c... » read more