Automation And AI Improve Failure Analysis

When a chip malfunctions it’s the job of the failure analysis engineer to determine how it failed or significantly deviated from its key performance metrics. The cost of failure in the field can be huge in terms of downtime, recalls, damage to a company’s reputation, and more. For these reasons, chipmakers take customer returns very seriously, focusing resources to quickly get to the bot... » read more

Unlocking The Value Of Yield

Have you stopped to consider the impact of yield on your overall product cost? Of course you did, when you considered your yield targets and set your product goals. But is it good enough to stop once the goals are achieved, or should you find ways to drive additional value into your organization once production has begun? What is the value of a 1% improvement in product yield? The short answer ... » read more

Failure To Launch

Failure analysis (FA) is an essential step for achieving sufficient yield in semiconductor manufacturing, but it’s struggling to keep pace with smaller dimensions, advanced packaging, and new power delivery architectures. All of these developments make defects harder to find and more expensive to fix, which impacts the reliability of chips and systems. Traditional failure analysis techniqu... » read more

Using Test And Metrology Data For Dynamic Process Control

Advanced packaging is transforming semiconductor manufacturing into a multi-dimensional challenge, blending 2D front-end wafer fabrication with 2.5D/3D assemblies, high-frequency device characterization, and complex yield optimization strategies. These combinations are essential to improving performance and functionality, but they create some thorny issues for which there are no easy fixes. ... » read more

Cut Defects, Not Yield

Many chipmakers face a difficult trade-off — improve quality without affecting yield. Traditional testing methods fail to navigate this challenge due to their limited visibility below the pass/fail limits, discarding perfectly good chips or letting small defects slip through to the field. The challenge is clear: manufacturers must achieve both quality and yield goals without sacrificing one f... » read more

Shift Left Strategy For Semiconductor Production Testing

In the fast-paced world of semiconductor manufacturing, achieving higher yields and reducing costs are constant challenges. Ideally, yield should only be impacted by unavoidable defects when everything else is performing as expected. However, when yield reduction occurs due to the process sensitivity of the design, these issues can be detected and, in many cases, corrected. proteanTecs has d... » read more

Aftermarket Sensors Boost Yield In Wafer Fabs

Third-party sensors are being added into fab equipment to help boost yield and to extend the life of expensive tools, supplementing the sensors that come with equipment used in fabs. The data gleaned from those sensors has broad uses within the fab. It can measure process module performance, identify defect sources, and alert fabs of impending equipment failure. And when coupled with machine... » read more

AI Predictive Modeling Tools Move Into Critical Role To Leverage AI, ML

The semiconductor industry, as always, is at the forefront of transformational technological innovation, driving escalating complexity of manufacturing processes that extend time-to-market delivery, inflate research and development costs, and lead to expensive delays when problems arise. As manufacturers navigate these challenges, the need for comprehensive prediction of manufacturing proble... » read more

Achieving Zero Defect Manufacturing Part 3: Prevention Of Defects

The concept of zero defect manufacturing has been around for decades, arising first in the aerospace and defense industry. Since then, this manufacturing approach has been adopted by the automotive industry, and it has only grown in importance as the sector transitions to electric vehicles. Given the role semiconductors play in today’s vehicles, and will play in the future, it is no surprise ... » read more

Challenges And Outlook Of ATE Testing For 2nm SoCs

The transition to the 2nm technology node introduces unprecedented challenges in Automated Test Equipment (ATE) bring-up and manufacturability. As semiconductor devices scale down, the complexity of testing and ensuring manufacturability increases exponentially. 3nm silicon is a mastered art now, with yields hitting pretty high for even complex packaged silicon, while the transition from 3nm to... » read more

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