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More NoC Wisdom

A common experience for anyone promoting a disruptive technology is that prospective customers understand that what is being offered is different. Still, without a familiar reference to compare, they extrapolate expectations unreliably. Sometimes expectations are extrapolated to infinity: “My existing solution has limitations, but the new technology should have no limitations.” Sometimes ex... » read more

NoC Experiences From The Trenches

Network-on-chip (NoC) interconnect as an alternative to traditional crossbars is already well-proven, but there are still plenty of design teams on the cusp of a transition or who maybe do not yet see a need for a change. As with a switch to any new technology, the first hurdles are often simply misconceptions. When new users first evaluate any new technology, they often make the mistake of att... » read more

ISO 26262 – Law Or Framework?

The ISO 26262 standard is a weighty series of documents that many believe has all the force of law or regulation; however, it is not a dictate. It is an agreement on best practices for participants in the vehicle value chain to follow to ensure safety as far as the industry understands it today. There is no monetary fine if the standard is not followed, though it will be difficult to sell autom... » read more

Automotive AI Hardware: A New Breed

Arteris IP functional safety manager Stefano Lorenzini recently presented “Automotive Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) with AI/ML and Functional Safety” at the Linley Processor Conference. A main point of the presentation was that conventional wisdom on AI hardware markets is binary. There’s AI in the cloud: Big, power-hungry, general-purpose. And there’s AI at the edge: Small, low power, limited... » read more

NoCs In Authoritative MPSoC Reference

The MPSoC Forum, sponsored by IEEE and other industry associations, hosts an annual conference in beautiful places around the planet. It is dedicated to showcasing renowned academic and industry experts in multicore and multiprocessor architectures. The goal is to explore trends in system-on-chip (SoC) hardware and software architectures and applications. An additional purpose is to consider th... » read more

SoC Integration Complexity: Size Doesn’t (Always) Matter

It’s common when talking about complexity in systems-on-chip (SoCs) to haul out monster examples: application processors, giant AI chips, and the like. Breaking with that tradition, consider an internet of things (IoT) design, which can still challenge engineers with plenty of complexity in architecture and integration. This complexity springs from two drivers: very low power consumption, eve... » read more

An Acquisition To Streamline SoC Integration

Late last year Arteris IP closed its acquisition of Magillem assets, bringing together two companies with a single mission: To support integration of systems-on-chip (SoCs) at the interconnect fabric level and the data integration level. The value of joining forces has been appealing for some time. Since the early days of both companies, we’ve been working with mutual customers and integratio... » read more

Learning ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition

You might think that when you get into a debate with a customer or a supplier about the exact interpretation of some aspect of ISO 26262, all you have to do is go to the standard, look it up, and there’s the answer you all need, plain as day. That would be ideal but often doesn’t reflect reality. To realize why, you have to understand the background to the standard. A short ISO 26262 o... » read more

AI Design In Korea

Like many in the semiconductor design businesses, Arteris IP is actively working with the Korean chip companies. This shouldn’t be a surprise. If a company is building an SoC of any reasonable size, it needs network-on-chip (NoC) interconnect for optimal QoS (bandwidth and latency regulation and system-level arbitration) and low routing congestion, even in application-centric designs such as ... » read more

The Role Of NoCs In System-Level Services

The primary objective of any network-on-chip (NoC) interconnect is to move data around a chip as efficiently as possible with as little impact as possible on design closure while meeting or exceeding key design metrics (PPA, etc.). These networks have become the central nervous system of SoCs and are starting to play a larger role in system-level services like quality of service (QoS), debug, p... » read more

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