Aeroacoustics Large-Eddy Simulation of VTOL Aircraft Design

Proof-of-concept simulation of a full-scale eVTOL aircraft, demonstrating real-world applications and GPU accelerated efficiency.


This conference paper, co-authored by Honda Motor Co. and Cadence, reveals  findings on the aeroacoustics predictions of multibladed vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) rotors using large-eddy simulations (LES).

Why should you read this white paper?

  1. Advanced Simulations: We conducted simulations on VTOL rotors with two to five blades, assessing high-frequency noise predictions.
  2. Experimental Validation: Our results, in collaboration with Honda, align closely with wind-tunnel measurements, ensuring accuracy.
  3. Innovative Approaches: Learn about our use of our low-Mach flow solver Fidelity LES and Voronoi-based meshing for complex geometries.
  4. Practical Applications: See a proof-of-concept simulation of a full-scale eVTOL aircraft, demonstrating real-world applications and GPU accelerated efficiency.

Key Highlights:

  • Accurate Predictions: Capture key aeroacoustic phenomena, including BPF tone and broadband noise.
  • High-Accuracy Modeling: Benefit from high-fidelity large-eddy simulations for transient turbulent flows.
  • Computational Efficiency: Explore our scalable methods and GPU acceleration to reduce computation times.

Read more here.

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