AI Requires Tailored DRAM Solutions

How the HBM2E and GDDR6 memories are well positioned to meet the performance needs of AI/ML.


For over 30 years, DRAM has continuously adapted to the needs of each new wave of hardware spanning PCs, game consoles, mobile phones and cloud servers. Each generation of hardware required DRAM to hit new benchmarks in bandwidth, latency, power or capacity. Looking ahead, the 2020s will be the decade of artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) touching every industry and application space. For DRAM, AI/ML represents the biggest challenge yet with a list of requirements for “all of the above.”

The market spotlight discusses:

  • The applications and performance requirements driving the evolution of DRAM
  • Why meeting the needs of AI/ML presents the greatest challenges for DRAM to date
  • How the HBM2E and GDDR6 memories are well positioned to meet the performance needs of AI/ML

Click here to read more.

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