Blog Review: Aug. 24

Multi-chip module packaging; mechanical, electronic engineering collaboration; line edge roughness.


Synopsys’ Manuel Mota presents an overview of some of the newest multi-chip module packaging types and their advantages and disadvantages for different kinds of applications, as well as the importance of die-to-die interfaces.

Cadence’s Steve Brown finds that innovative products require that electronics be analyzed in the context of the environment in which they run, making mechanical and electronic engineering more closely related and interdependent than ever.

Siemens’ Katie Tormala argues that a unified MCAD and ECAD software view into design data and an optimized design process reduce design errors and rework for a more efficient and speedier design flow.

Coventor’s Yu De Chen considers the impact line edge roughness can have on semiconductor performance at advanced nodes and ways to perform LEF variation experiments using virtual fabrication.

Ansys’ Kerry Herbert looks at optical design challenges of AR/VR devices and how simulation of optical effects and waveguides can help make lighter and more realistic consumer electronics.

SEMI’s Serena Brischetto chats with Kate Wilson of Edwards Vacuum about sustainability in the semiconductor industry, including actions that companies can take and the role of manufacturing analytics.

Western Digital’s Anne Herreria takes a look at DNA storage, which has the potential to store large amounts of data for decades or more at low cost, and what will be required to make it a commercially-viable technology.

And don’t miss the blogs featured in the latest Manufacturing, Packaging & Materials newsletter:

Coventor’s Brett Lowe looks at the impact of void formation on wordline resistance in 3D NAND.

Brewer Science’s Jessica Albright explains why advanced packaging requires pitches below 10µm.

SEMI’s Mousumi Bhat and McKinsey & Co.’s Peter Spiller conclude that fundamental changes are needed for the chip industry to effectively address sustainability.

Amkor’s Mike Kelly examines the communication interface between chiplets and how that influences package technology choices.

QP Technologies’ Dick Otte shows how unique functionality can be created by combining non-electronic components with semiconductor die.

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