Systems & Design

Calibre DesignEnhancer Design-Stage Layout Modification Improves Power Management Faster And Earlier

Tackling EMIR during the physical implementation stage.


In today’s IC designs, effective power management through layout optimization is crucial for achieving PPA targets. This paper, written by Jeff Wilson, describes how the Calibre DesignEnhancer platform, is used to specifically tackle the EMIR components of power management. DesignEnhancer offers P&R and custom/analog design teams a fast, integrated environment for implementing Calibre-clean design modifications to reduce IR drop and EM, during physical implementation stage. DesignEnhancer is one of a growing suite of Shift left tools in the Calibre nmPlatform, moving physical verification and layout optimization earlier in the design process, ensuring Calibre signoff-quality results.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Understand the significance and challenges of achieving EMIR goals in IC design
  • Discover how to optimize layouts for IR drop and electromigration issues
  • Implement effective power grid optimization using Calibre DesignEnhancer
  • Leverage automated via insertion to enhance manufacturing robustness
  • Utilize parallel run lengths to lower resistance on power grid structures
  • Prepare layouts for physical verification with correct-by-construction filler and DCAP cell insertion.

To read more, click here.

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