How Many Senses Do You Need To Drive A Car?

The recent AutoSens conference in Detroit left me questioning whether I should turn in my driver's license. The answer the attending OEMs gave to all the discussions about the advantages of RGB cameras, ultrasound, radar, lidar, and thermal sensors was a unanimous "We probably need all of them in some form of combination" to make autonomy a reality in automotive. Together, these sensors are muc... » read more

Post-Quantum Cryptography: The Algorithms That Will Protect Data In The Quantum Era

There is no doubt that quantum computers will play a significant role in helping the world solve complex challenges not possible on current classical computers. However, quantum computers also pose a serious security threat. They will eventually become powerful enough to break traditional asymmetric cryptographic methods, that is, some of the most common security protocols used to protect sensi... » read more

What Is Zonal Architecture? And Why Is it Upending the Automotive Supply Chain?

Over the last few years, the basic architecture of how a vehicle is put together has changed a lot. This has also resulted in a change in how the automotive supply chain is put together, too. The traditional ECU-based architecture and the automobile supply chain Historically, vehicles have been put together like the picture on the left in the above diagram. Vehicles could have as many a... » read more

Verifying Low-Temperature Soldering Compliance For CO2 Savings And Enhanced Product Performance

In a conventional lead-free soldering process reflow ovens operate continuously at about 260°C. An effective alternative capable of operating at a lower temperature could significantly reduce the running costs and CO2 emissions associated with electronic manufacturing. There are also advantages to be gained from the reduction in the thermal stresses imposed on circuit boards and components by ... » read more

Shaping Industry 4.0 By Empowering The Smart Factory

The goal of Industry 4.0 is to create autonomous production in which people, machines, systems, and products communicate with each other independently. The result are intelligent value chains and product life cycles that begin with development, continue through manufacturing, assembly, product delivery and maintenance, and finally end with recycling. In this way, not only production is contro... » read more

Fully Reconfigurable DSP: As Fast As Hardwired At ~2x Area/Power

Today if you want high performance DSP you have three choices: Hardwire your function – zero flexibility Use DSP IP based on VLIW Use FPGAs with DSP MACs or math engines What we hear from customers is that there is a growing need for very fast and very flexible DSP, which hardwired solutions can’t address. And that the fastest solutions are FPGAs, but they are big, high pow... » read more

How Safe Is Safe Enough?

That was the overarching question a group of 180 experts discussed last week at the ISO 26262 & SOTIF conference for four days during #FuSaWeek2023 in Berlin. "How Safe is Safe Enough" is also the title of Prof. Koopman's book from September 2022. I mentioned him in my blog "Are We Too Hard On Artificial Intelligence For Autonomous Driving?" Prof. Koopman was referenced often in Berlin, and... » read more

Going Virtual In Automotive Electronics Development

Developing the electrical/electronic (E/E) systems in automobiles and other vehicles has always been challenging due to the rough environmental conditions experienced on the road and the high expectations for safety and reliability. In recent years, these challenges have been exacerbated by several industry trends. They have triggered a revolution in how electronic control units (ECUs) are desi... » read more

Hardware-Based Cybersecurity For Software-Defined Vehicles

As vehicle technology advances, so does the complexity of the electrical/electronic systems within these smart vehicles. A software-defined vehicle (SDV) relies on centralized compute and an advanced software stack to control most of its functionality, from engine performance to infotainment systems. SDVs are becoming more important as automakers look to improve vehicle performance, reduce emis... » read more

Issues And Challenges In Super-Resolution Object Detection And Recognition

If you want high performance AI inference, such as Super-Resolution Object Detection and Recognition, in your SoC the challenge is to find a solution that can meet your needs and constraints. You need inference IP that can run the model you want at high accuracy. You need inference IP that can run the model at the frame rate you want: higher frame rate = lower latency, more time for dec... » read more

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