Securely Store Your Credentials And Cryptographic Keys In TPM 2.0

A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) can securely store cryptographic keys that are specific to the host system and provide restricted access to the stored keys and secrets. You can never read out private keys, or in other words retrieve them as is from the TPM. Let’s say you need to generate a signature: you can indicate the private key you wish to use from the TPM to sign the message. You can... » read more

Automotive Security: Meeting The Growing Challenges With Certified Hardware Security Module IP

Automotive systems, and the semiconductors used within them, are some of the most complex electronics seen today. The radical transformation from an isolated mechanical car to a connected software-driven car is driving the increased use of semiconductors in vehicles: these include advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), electrification, and enhanced driver/passenger experience. More conne... » read more

Secure Implementation Of Post-Quantum Crypto In The Spotlight

The US-based NIST body takes a leading role in the migration to Post-Quantum Crypto (PQC). After a multi-year selection process, in 2022 they preliminarily identified a number of Post Quantum algorithms, which were recommended to replace the current public key algorithms (RSA, ECC). While the process of scrutiny is still ongoing, they now took another important step by putting emphasis on imple... » read more

The Automotive Electric Vehicle Transition

The only really interesting part of the automotive industry is the electric vehicle (EV) segment. These vehicles are also called NEVs in China for "new energy vehicles". The reason that I say this is the only interesting segment is because it is clear that the whole world is moving fast to EVs and internal combustion engines (ICEs) will decline. One challenge for traditional automotive manufact... » read more

The Hidden Security Risks Of Automotive Electronic Systems

The Internet of things (IoT) is driving new capabilities that are transforming how we live, work and play. However, as our lives become more connected, the risk from hackers and other security breaches increases with every new IoT device. While most of us are pretty well versed in why we need to keep our most trusted devices secure – such as cell phones and laptops – we often don’t think ... » read more

How To Safeguard Memory Interfaces By Design

By Dana Neustadter and Brett Murdock In 2017, the credit bureau Equifax announced that hackers had breached its system, unleashing the personal information of 147-million people. As a result, the company has settled a class action suit for $425 million to aid those impacted, including identity theft, fraud, financial losses, and the expenses to clean up the damage. Whether the threat is iden... » read more

Selecting The Right Root Of Trust For Your Application And Architecture

A Root of Trust is defined as the security foundation for a semiconductor or electronic system. Any secure function performed by the device or system relies in whole or in part on this Root of Trust. Based in hardware, the Root of Trust handles the cryptographic functions, stores and manages cryptographic keys, and is typically part of the secure boot process providing the foundation for the so... » read more

Chip Monitoring For Max Performance And Security

In a semiconductor market dominated by SoCs for high-performance computing, AI, automotive and 5G, semiconductor companies face myriad challenges and device requirements. The specific challenges for any given SoC vary but can include issues around performance debug and security against hacking. Top of the list includes the need to ensure quality, enhance safety, optimize performance, and increa... » read more

The Architect’s Dilemma And Closing The Loop With Implementation

Gordon Moore has left a mark on our industry. Moore's Law has shaped decades of development. The EDA industry has been moving up the layers of abstraction to increase the productivity and predictability of design flows in our efforts to address the ever-increasing complexity of semiconductors and electronics developments. I had written about it in "Chasing The Next Level Of Productivity" not lo... » read more

ChatGPT vs Security Analyst

At Riscure, we like to explore new technologies that can help us better help our customers. Undoubtedly, the latest famous new applications are various versions of ChatGPT, a recently accessible chatbot that you can interact with in natural language, and which has been trained on a large section of the knowledge available on the internet. Adversarially-minded people soon published the many f... » read more

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