AI And Machine Learning Drive New SoC Verification Choices

I have previously written about the choices that design teams have when choosing specific verification engines—virtual, formal, simulation, emulation, FPGA and actual silicon. As a new class of SoC is emerging for machine learning and artificial intelligence with complexities previously unheard of, they further deepen the challenge of choosing the right tool for the job. Even the choice betwe... » read more

It Takes A Village… To Develop And Verify SoCs

In my last blog post from 2017, “Design Chains Will Drive The Top 5 EDA Trends In 2018,” I had pointed to the importance of ecosystems for electronics development in general. From an EDA perspective, it also takes a village to shepherd the actual chip development with its complex verification and software development tasks. And the types of partnerships often depend on the application domai... » read more

Design Chains Will Drive The Top 5 EDA Trends In 2018

In my prediction piece last year, I made seven trend predictions. Looking back, I did very well compared to what actually happened. For 2018, I am cutting it down to five trends that will impact EDA, but in my mind a lot of the trends will be driven by the ever-evolving ecosystem of design chains from IP though semiconductor to systems and to OEMs. While HBO’s 'Game of Thrones' comes to a con... » read more

5 Pitfalls That May Kill The IoT

A couple of weeks ago I participated in a panel titled “The Road to a Trillion Devices” organized by Brian Fuller at Arm TechCon. His closing question was whether we will get to the projected trillion devices in twenty years. My answer was that we may even get there faster. His opening question was what the pitfalls would be to make it difficult to get to trillion devices in the next twenty... » read more

Use Model Versatility: Key To Return On Investment For Emulation

When we announced Palladium Z1 now almost two years ago in November 2015, we emphasized versatility of use models as a key component to optimize return on investment when adopting emulation. Today, our biggest customers are using emulation as a compute resource with 10s of projects in parallel, and they are running a large number of different use models on it. This year alone, more than 30 cust... » read more

System Design And Verification Challenges: Are They On- Or Off-Chip?

What are the next natural items for mobile devices to be integrated? From 2002 to today, previously separate items (like GPS, cameras and keyboards) have been integrated into the phone. They caused a frenzy of integration within systems on chips. Now we have the Internet of Things (IoT) adding a trillion devices to the picture. Which ones are to be integrated, if any? What does all this mean fo... » read more

Design And Verification For An Era Of A Trillion Devices

Scared or excited? When I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation whether the one trillion devices that Softbank’s CEO Masa-san predicted least year at ARM TechCon was possible, I realized that a trillion may be the low end of the range. For me, the geeky excitement about the potential technological progress and how to architect the Internet of Things (IoT) gets balanced very fast with concern... » read more

Emulating Systems Of Systems

System design is all the craze these days. I have been in notably more discussions recently about how one can verify systems of systems. Does an airplane or a car lend itself to an array of emulators? Are multiple abstractions needed? How can design teams span electrical, mechanical, and thermal—as well as analog and digital—effects? Do companies need to re-organize to deal with system desi... » read more

DAC 2017: A Glimpse Of How The Future Is Enabled

Last week’s Design Automation Conference in Austin gave great examples on how the future is enabled with next generation tools today. My favorite portions were Uhnder’s overview on “Agile Emulation” in the cloud, SirusXM’s presentation on how they used our portfolio of emulation and FPGA-based prototyping, the panel on “Smarter Verification” that I had organized and – of course ... » read more

Emulation Enabling Automotive Designs

Last week at CDNLive in Munich, the key topic at hand was automotive. It was pretty much a theme everywhere, and even had its specific personal track. My personal favorites were Davide Santo’s (NXP’s Architect) keynote on autonomous driving—very inspiring—and Robert Bosch’s overview of how they used emulation in a hybrid setup with ARM Fast Models for IP verification for automotive de... » read more

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