HBM-Enabled FPGA-Based Graph Processing Accelerator

A technical paper titled "ACTS: A Near-Memory FPGA Graph Processing Framework" was published by researchers at University of Virginia and Samsung. Abstract: "Despite the high off-chip bandwidth and on-chip parallelism offered by today's near-memory accelerators, software-based (CPU and GPU) graph processing frameworks still suffer performance degradation from under-utilization of available ... » read more

Review of Tools & Techniques for DL Edge Inference

A new technical paper titled "Efficient Acceleration of Deep Learning Inference on Resource-Constrained Edge Devices: A Review" was published in "Proceedings of the IEEE" by researchers at University of Missouri and Texas Tech University. Abstract: Successful integration of deep neural networks (DNNs) or deep learning (DL) has resulted in breakthroughs in many areas. However, deploying thes... » read more

Emulation System for Racetrack Memories Based on FPGA

A technical paper titled "ERMES: Efficient Racetrack Memory Emulation System based on FPGA" was written by researchers at University of Calabria and TU Dresden. "This paper presents a new emulation system for RTMs based on heterogeneous FPGA-CPU Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). Thanks to its high flexibility, the proposed emulator can be easily configured to evaluate different memory architectures. ... » read more

Advanced Packaging for High-Bandwidth Memory: Influences of TSV size, TSV Aspect Ratio And Annealing Temperature

A technical paper titled "Stress Issue of Vertical Connections in 3D Integration for High-Bandwidth Memory Applications" was published by researchers at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Abstract: "The stress of TSV with different dimensions under annealing condition has been investigated. Since the application of TSV and bonding technology has demonstrated a promising approach for ... » read more

Side-Channel Attacks Via Cache On the RISC-V Processor Configuration

A technical paper titled "A cross-process Spectre attack via cache on RISC-V processor with trusted execution environment" was published by researchers at University of Electro-Communication, Academy of Cryptography Techniques, Technology Research Association of Secure IoT Edge Application based on RISC-V Open Architecture (TRASIO), and AIST. "This work proposed a cross-process exploitation ... » read more

Heterogeneous Multi-Core HW Architectures With Fine-Grained Scheduling of Layer-Fused DNNs

A technical paper titled "Towards Heterogeneous Multi-core Accelerators Exploiting Fine-grained Scheduling of Layer-Fused Deep Neural Networks" was published by researchers at KU Leuven and TU Munich. Abstract "To keep up with the ever-growing performance demand of neural networks, specialized hardware (HW) accelerators are shifting towards multi-core and chiplet architectures. So far, thes... » read more

Efficiently Process Large RM Datasets In Underlying Memory Pool, Disaggregated Over CXL (KAIST)

A technical paper titled "Failure Tolerant Training with Persistent Memory Disaggregation over CXL" was published (preprint) by researchers at KAIST and Panmnesia. "TRAININGCXL can efficiently process large-scale recommendation datasets in the pool of disaggregated memory while making training fault tolerant with low overhead," states the paper. Find the technical paper here. or here (IEE... » read more

FPGA-Based Prototyping Framework For Processing In DRAM (ETH Zurich & TOBB Univ.)

A technical paper titled "PiDRAM: A Holistic End-to-end FPGA-based Framework for Processing-in-DRAM" was published by researchers at ETH Zurich and TOBB University of Economics and Technology. Abstract "Processing-using-memory (PuM) techniques leverage the analog operation of memory cells to perform computation. Several recent works have demonstrated PuM techniques in off-the-shelf DRAM dev... » read more

MTJ-based Circuits Provide Low-Cost, Energy Efficient Solution For Future Hardware Implementation in SC Algorithms

A review paper titled "Review of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for Stochastic Computing" was published by researchers at University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Funding agencies include Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), CAPSL, NIST, DARPA and others. Abstract: "Modern computing schemes require large circuit areas and large energy consumption for neuromorphic computing applications, such as... » read more

Rowhammer Mitigation: In-DRAM Mechanism Scaling The Number of Refreshes With Activations (ETH Zurich)

A technical paper titled "REGA: Scalable Rowhammer Mitigation with Refresh-Generating Activations" was written by researchers at Computer Security Group (COMSEC), ETH Zurich and Zentel Japan. The paper will be presented at IEEE's Symposium on Security and Privacy in May 2023. "With REGA, we propose the first fully in-DRAM mitigation capable of protecting devices independently from their blas... » read more

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