The Role of InGaN Quantum Barriers in Improving the Performance of GaN-based Laser Diodes

Abstract: "In this work, different aspects which have influences on device performance of blue laser diodes (LDs) when using InGaN instead of GaN as quantum barrier (QB) layers are investigated theoretically and experimentally. In the modeling calculation, it is found that the threshold current of LDs with InGaN QB layers is reduced obviously, but the slope efficiency is not largely improved... » read more

Reconstruction of Bloch wavefunctions of holes in a semiconductor

Summary "A central goal of condensed-matter physics is to understand how the diverse electronic and optical properties of crystalline materials emerge from the wavelike motion of electrons through periodically arranged atoms. However, more than 90 years after Bloch derived the functional forms of electronic waves in crystals [1] (now known as Bloch wavefunctions), rapid scattering processes ha... » read more

Absence of Barren Plateaus in Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks

Abstract:  Quantum neural networks (QNNs) have generated excitement around the possibility of efficiently analyzing quantum data. But this excitement has been tempered by the existence of exponentially vanishing gradients, known as barren plateau landscapes, for many QNN architectures. Recently, quantum convolutional neural networks (QCNNs) have been proposed, involving a sequence of convol... » read more

Factoring 2048-bit RSA Integers in 177 Days with 13 436 Qubits and a Multimode Memory

Abstract: "We analyze the performance of a quantum computer architecture combining a small processor and a storage unit. By focusing on integer factorization, we show a reduction by several orders of magnitude of the number of processing qubits compared with a standard architecture using a planar grid of qubits with nearest-neighbor connectivity. This is achieved by taking advantage of a tem... » read more

Quantum well interband semiconductor lasers highly tolerant to dislocations

Abstract "III-V semiconductor lasers integrated on Si-based photonic platforms are eagerly awaited by the industry for mass-scale applications, from interconnect to on-chip sensing. The current understanding is that only quantum dot lasers can reasonably operate at the high dislocation densities generated by the III-V-on-Si heteroepitaxy, which induces high non-radiative carrier recombination ... » read more

Substitutional synthesis of sub-nanometer InGaN/GaN quantum wells with high indium content

Abstract "InGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs) with sub-nanometer thickness can be employed in short-period superlattices for bandgap engineering of efficient optoelectronic devices, as well as for exploiting topological insulator behavior in III-nitride semiconductors. However, it had been argued that the highest indium content in such ultra-thin QWs is kinetically limited to a maximum of 33%, narro... » read more

Materials and Device Simulations for Silicon Qubit Design and Optimization

Abstract: "Silicon-based microelectronics technology is extremely mature, yet this profoundly important material is now also poised to become a foundation for quantum information processing technologies. In this article, we review the properties of silicon that have made it the material of choice for semiconductor-based qubits with an emphasis on the role that modeling and simulation have play... » read more

Buried nanomagnet realizing high-speed/low-variability silicon spin qubits: implementable in error-correctable large-scale quantum computers

Abstract: "We propose a buried nanomagnet (BNM) realizing highspeed/low-variability silicon spin qubit operation, inspired by buried wiring technology, for the first time. High-speed quantum-gate operation results from large slanting magnetic-field generated by the BNM disposed quite close to a spin qubit, and low-variation of fidelity thanks to the self-aligned fabrication process. Employing ... » read more

Uniform Spin Qubit Devices with Tunable Coupling in an All-Silicon 300 mm Integrated Process

Abstract: Larger arrays of electron spin qubits require radical improvements in fabrication and device uniformity. Here we demonstrate excellent qubit device uniformity and tunability from 300K down to mK temperatures. This is achieved, for the first time, by integrating an overlapping polycrystalline silicon-based gate stack in an ‘all-Silicon’ and lithographically flexible 300mm flow. ... » read more

MXene-GaN van der Waals metal-semiconductor junctions for high performance multiple quantum well photodetectors

Abstract: "A MXene-GaN-MXene based multiple quantum well photodetector was prepared on patterned sapphire substrate by facile drop casting. The use of MXene electrodes improves the responsivity and reduces dark current, compared with traditional Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM) photodetectors using Cr/Au electrodes. Dark current of the device using MXene-GaN van der Waals junctions is reduced b... » read more

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