Securing Short-Range Communications

Short-range wireless communication technology is in widespread use and growing rapidly, adding conveniences for consumers while also opening the door to a whole range of cyberattacks. This technology is common across a variety of applications, from wireless key fobs to unlock a car and start the ignition, to tags used to help drivers find misplaced items such as car keys. RFID also is starti... » read more

Big Changes Ahead For Inside Auto Cabins

The space we occupy inside our vehicles is poised to change from mere enclosure to participant in the driving experience. Whether for safety or for comfort, a wide range of sensors are likely to appear that will monitor the “contents” of the vehicle. The overall approach is referred to as an in-cabin monitoring system (ICMS), but the specific applications vary widely. “In-cabin sensing... » read more

Why It’s So Difficult — And Costly — To Secure Chips

Rising concerns about the security of chips used in everything from cars to data centers are driving up the cost and complexity of electronic systems in a variety of ways, some obvious and others less so. Until very recently, semiconductor security was viewed more as a theoretical threat than a real one. Governments certainly worried about adversaries taking control of secure systems through... » read more

Advanced Packaging For Automotive Chips

Multiple types of chips may be better than one for dealing with large amounts and different types of data, but in automotive applications it's not entirely clear how or even whether they should be packaged together. The biggest problem with electronics in vehicles is the extreme range of temperatures, both within and outside of vehicles. Without adequate cooling, chips can age prematurely, s... » read more

Will Markets For ML Models Materialize?

Developers are spending increasing amounts of time and effort in creating machine-learning (ML) models for use in a wide variety of applications. While this will continue as the market matures, at some point some of these efforts might be seen as reinventing models over and over. Will developers of successful models ever have a marketplace in which they can sell those models as IP to other d... » read more

Zonal Architectures Play Key Role In Vehicle Security

The automotive ecosystem is starting to shift toward zonal architectures, making vehicle functionality less dependent on the underlying hardware and allowing more flexibility in what gets processed where. The impact of that shift is both broad and significant. For carmakers, it could lead to hardware consolidation and more options for failovers in case something goes wrong with any system in... » read more

AI/ML Workloads Need Extra Security

The need for security is pervading all electronic systems. But given the growth in data-center machine-learning computing, which deals with extremely valuable data, some companies are paying particular attention to handling that data securely. All of the usual data-center security solutions must be brought to bear, but extra effort is needed to ensure that models and data sets are protected ... » read more

Complex Chips Make Security More Difficult

Semiconductor supply chain management is becoming more complex with many more moving parts as chips become increasingly disaggregated, making it difficult to ensure where parts originated and whether they have been compromised before they are added into advanced chips or packages. In the past, supply chain concerns largely focused primarily on counterfeit parts or gray-market substitutions u... » read more

Improving Medical Image Processing With AI

Machine learning is being integrated with medical image processing, one of the most useful technologies for medical diagnosis and surgery, greatly expanding the amount of useful information that can be gleaned from scan or MRI. For the most part, ML is being used to augment manual processes that medical personnel use today. While the goal is to automate many of these functions, it's not clea... » read more

Easier And Faster Ways To Train AI

Training an AI model takes an extraordinary amount of effort and data. Leveraging existing training can save time and money, accelerating the release of new products that use the model. But there are a few ways this can be done, most notably through transfer and incremental learning, and each of them has its applications and tradeoffs. Transfer learning and incremental learning both take pre... » read more

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