Novel Reversible Chain Diagnosis Improves Resolution

Yield ramp for ICs designed on advanced process technologies faces new challenges because of the very complicated silicon defect types and defect distribution. Yield ramp and yield improvement are not just about profitability and time-to-market, but also have a role in today’s electronics supply chain crisis. That means yield ramp affects not just the IC maker, but the global economy. Ever... » read more

Packetized Test At The International Test Conference 2021

At this year’s International Test Conference (October 10-15, 2021), Siemens Digital Industries Software is showcasing IC test and lifecycle management technologies that address the key scaling challenges facing the semiconductor industry now and in the future. The two main topics from Tessent at ITC are: The rapid adoption of packetized test strategies to address design and system... » read more

The Era Of Packetized Scan Test Has Arrived

For decades, process and design scaling has triggered the adoption of transformative test solutions. About twenty years ago, when at-speed test became a de-facto requirement, on-chip compression became the norm to address test data time and volume. Over the last decade, hierarchical DFT enabled DFT engineers to apply a divide and conquer on large design, improving both implementation effort and... » read more

Better Optimization For Many-Core AI Chips

The rise of massively parallel computing has led to an explosion of silicon complexity, driven by the need to process data for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications. This complexity is seen in designs like the Cerebras Wafer Scale Engine (figure 1), a tiled manycore, multiple wafer die with a transistor count into the trillions and nearly a million compute cores. ... » read more

Packetized Scan Test Delivery

The traditional approach to moving scan test data from chip-level pins to core-level scan channels is under pressure due to the dramatic rise in design size, design complexity, and test adaptation. To address these challenges, we now have the option of implementing a packetized data network for scan test that moves the scan data through the SoC much more efficiently than the traditional pin-... » read more

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