Benchmarks For The Edge

Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks about benchmarking in edge devices, particularly for convolutional neural networks. » read more

Edge Inferencing Challenges

Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks about balancing different variables to improve performance and reduce power at the lowest cost possible in order to do inferencing in edge devices. » read more

Inferencing In Hardware

Cheng Wang, senior vice president of engineering at Flex Logix, examines shifting neural network models, how many multiply-accumulates are needed for different applications, and why programmable neural inferencing will be required for years to come.         See other tech talk videos here. » read more

AI Training Chips

Kurt Shuler, vice president of marketing at Arteris IP, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about how to architect an AI training chip, how different processing elements are used to accelerate training algorithms, and how to achieve improved performance.     See other tech talk videos here. » read more

Chips In Space

Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks about why embedded FPGAs are being tapped for accelerators in satellites and airplanes, why programmability is so critical to deal with changes in technology that can span decades from initial design. » read more

What Is SOTIF?

Arteris IP’s Kurt Shuler discusses new system-level best-practices approach to automotive design that will be used for both diagnostics and forensics when something goes wrong with autonomous vehicles. » read more

Using ASICs For AI Inferencing

Flex Logix’s Cheng Wang looks at why ASICs are the best way to improve performance and optimize power and area for inferencing, and how to add flexibility into those designs to deal with constantly changing algorithms and data sets. » read more

The Next Big Chip Companies

Rambus’ Mike Noonen looks at why putting everything on a single die no longer works, what comes after Moore’s Law, and what the new business model looks like for chipmakers. » read more

eFPGA vs. FPGA Design Methodologies

Namit Varma, senior director of Achronix’s India Technology Center, discusses the differences between discrete and embedded FPGAs. » read more

802.11ax: Faster Wireless

Marvell's Sathya Subramanian talks with Semiconductor Engineering about the new 802.11ax wireless standard, how it will work with 5G and existing networks, and how to set up an integrated solution to reduce bottlenecks in the home and in the enterprise. » read more

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